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The 9th Vietnam - Laos Security Cooperation Conference

On the 16th of May, 2018, the 9th Vietnam - Laos Security Cooperation Conference was taken place in Quy Nhon City. Attending the conference were Senior Lieutenant-General Bui Van Nam – Member of the Central Party Committee - Deputy Minister of Public Security of Vietnam; Lieutenant-General Kong-thoong Phong-vi-chit, Deputy Minister of Lao Security; Lieutenant-General Nguyen Chi Thanh, Director General of General Security Department of Ministry of Public Security and Major General Bun-mi Xeng-kham-yong, General Director of Security Department, Lao Ministry of Security. The conference was also attended by General Departments and Professional Departments; Policemen of 15 border provinces between Laos and Vietnam. Mr. Ho Quoc Dung, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee attended and delivered a welcome speech.

Mr. Ho Quoc Dung, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee delivered a welcome speech

Lieutenant General Bui Van Nam, Deputy Minister of Public Security, on behalf of the leaders of two ministries stated that the two countries of Laos and Vietnam have co-existed in the past and present. It is a special relation that has been linked by many generations of Laos and Vietnam and it has been strengthened by the leaders of the Party, the State and people of the two countries. Particularly, the cooperation relation between the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam and Laos the field of national security protection in general and the cooperation between the General Department of Security of the two countries in particular have significantly contributed to maintaining the national security stability, creating favorable conditions for the task of building and defending of each nation, maintaining the security in the border region and contributing to the building of a peaceful and stable ASEAN community.


A photo taken among Vietnam and Laos delegates

Delegates focused on discussing and determining the contents, directions and measures to enhance the cooperation, ensuring the security of the two countries in the coming time, contributing to the building of a peaceful and stable border. At the same time, delegates also suggested some proposals for the security cooperation between Vietnam and Laos to be implemented more effectively.

Leaders of the General Department of Security of Vietnam and Laos signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.

By Tấn Tài (baobinhdinh.com.vn)

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