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The Opening Session of the Conference “Science for Development"

On the morning of May 9, 2018, at the International Center for Interdisciplinary Science and Education (ICISE), there was an international scientific conference “Science for Development” on the occasion of the 25-year anniversary of “Rencontres du Vietnam”. The conference was co-organized by Rencontres du Vietnam, Ministry of Science and Technology, Binh Dinh People’s Committee, the International Solvay Institute and The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).

View of the Conference

The conference attracted the participation of more than 200 scientists from 40 countries in the world; In particular, the participation of two Nobel-laureates: Prof. Gerard 't Hoof – Nobel-laureate in Physics in 1999, Prof. Finn Kydland – Nobel-Laureate in Economics in 2004. The conference was also attended by Mr. Martin Chungong - General Secretary of the Inter-Parliamentary Union; Mr. Bertnand Lortholary - French Ambassador to Vietnam; Deputy General Secretary of the National Assembly, Deputy Director of the National Assembly Office Mr. Le Bo Linh; Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Mr. Pham Cong Tac. On the side of Binh Dinh Province, there were Mr. Nguyen Phi Long - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, provincial former leaders and leaders of related departments, agencies.

Speaking at the conference, Prof. Tran Thanh Van, President of Rencontres du  Vietnam said that the conference was followed by the International Conference entitled Fundamental Science and Society, taken place at ICISE in July 2016, in the framework of the 12th Rencontres du Vietnam. Following the conference in 2016, the conference would be a new progress through discussing the role of both fundamental and applied science for the sustainable development of the society. Prof. Tran Thanh Van expected delegates and scientists to contribute new ideas, new proposals for the future.

At the conference, Mr. Berthand Lortholary - French Ambassador emphasized the fundamental scientific contribution to social development as well as the relation between Vietnam and France in scientific development and he also expressed his admiration for Prof. Tran Thanh Van and his spouse - Prof. Le Kim Ngoc.


Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Nguyen Phi Long gave a speech at the conference

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Phi Long expressed his sincere thanks for the presence of scientists as well as the French Ambassador in Binh Dinh Province. Together with ICISE, Binh Dinh is under construction the Space of Science, including the Planetarium, Science Museum and Astronomical Observatory… In the near future, Binh Dinh would develop the 242-hectare area into “Quy Nhon Innovation Valley” – a rendezvous for both national and international scientists.   


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