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The scientific talk “The quest for life and intelligence in the Universe”

On the afternoon of December 13, 2016 at Quy Nhon University, Prof. Nikos Prantzos (Astrophysics Institute in Paris, France) had a scientific talk with about 500 pupils, students and those interested in science in Quy Nhon City. The talk was entitled “The quest for life and intelligence in the Universe”. That was a scientific event beside the international conference “Search for life: From early Earth to exoplanets”, held from December 11 till December 17, 2016 at the International Center for Interdisciplinary Science and Education (ICISE).

View of the scientific talk.

At the beginning of the talk, Prof. Nikos Prantzos gave a brief on the history of ideas about “the multiplicity of worlds”, presented more than 2 000 years ago by thinkers of the Greek antiquity. He then reviewed ongoing research for tracers of life in our Solar System, mainly on Mars and some of the satellites of the giant planets. Accordingly, in the past few years with NASA’s KEPLER space telescope, the first time systematic surveys were established with reliable statistics on the presence of telluric (Earth-size) planets in the habitable zones of solar-type stars.

After the presentation, many pupils, students and those interested in science raised some questions about the life and civilizations in the universe, and the Professor answered very thoroughly.

Thang Nguyen (source: baobinhdinh.com.vn)

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