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Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) and Laos – Vietnam Joint Venture Bank assisted the people in flooded areas with 700 million VND

On the afternoon of December 21, 2016 at the Office of Binh Dinh People’s Committee, Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Tran Chau had a meeting with a delegation of BIDV regarding the assistance of the people in flooded areas in Binh Dinh Province (photo).

At the meeting, Mr. Tran Luc Lang – Deputy General Director of BIDV said that to share Binh Dinh People’s difficulties and damage caused by the floods, BIDV, Laos – Vietnam Joint Venture Bank and BIDV Insurance Corporation decided to assist 700 million VND (BIDV with 400 million VND, Laos – Vietnam Joint Venture Bank with 200 million VND, and BIDV Insurance Corporation with 100 million VND). Since the beginning of November 2016 till now, BIDV has assisted the people in flooded areas with 1.4 billion VND. Presently, BIDV is calling BIDV’s officials and cadres, enterprises as well as philanthropists to assist the people in flooded areas in Binh Dinh Province.

Also on the afternoon of December 21, 2016 Investment Joint Stock Company No.577 with its business investment in real estate came to the Office of Binh Dinh People’s Committee and assisted 8,500 textbooks with the total value of 80 million VND for primary students in the province.

Thang Nguyen (Source: baobinhdinh.com.vn)

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