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17th session of the Council of Provincial People, term XIII: Discussing many issues close to the lives of people.

 Continuing the work program of the 17th session of the Provincial People's Council, term XIII, at the group discussion session on the afternoon of July 11, many opinions focused on issues closely related to people's lives.

 Pay attention to productive land for ethnic minorities 

 Difficulties and obstacles raised from the Provincial People's Council's thematic monitoring results report on "The situation and results of implementing the State's guidelines and policies on resolving productive land for people in ethnic areas" Ethnic minorities in the province in the period 2021 - 2024" received a lot of attention from delegates of the Provincial People's Council.

 Delegates discussed in the group on the afternoon of July 11.

 According to reports from the Provincial Ethnic Committee and localities, there are 352 households without productive land, and 1,095 households lacking productive land. Delegate Nguyen Thi To Tran (Tay Son unit) believes that this number may not be accurate or complete in reality and needs to be reviewed carefully. Delta Tran raised the issue that mountainous districts do not pay attention to planning production land funds and including them in annual land use plans to take steps to transfer production land to support ethnic minorities. The Provincial Ethnic Committee has not coordinated closely with localities to firmly grasp the number of households in ethnic minority areas that do not have land or lack productive land. Party committees and local authorities at all levels have not paid enough attention to directing land management...

 Delegate Nguyen Thi To Tran (Tay Son unit) suggested having more programs and policies to support other job changes suitable to the abilities of ethnic minorities to solve the problem of lack of productive land.

 “The most suitable solution is to support people's job change, but the current funding limit for job change support is only 10 million VND/household at most, which cannot change jobs and create livelihoods for people. There needs to be more programs and policies to support job change suitable to people's abilities. Fortunately, we can gradually solve the problem of lack of productive land in ethnic minority areas in the province", DB Tran comments.

 Delegate Pham Van Nam (An Lao unit) said that with the localities not being sure of the data, they know that people in ethnic minority areas lack land but do not know specifically who is missing, where, how much...It is difficult to implement Decision 36/2022/QD-UBND dated July 25, 2022 of the Provincial People's Committee regulating residential land allocation norms and average production land norms to implement Project 1: Resolving land shortage housing, production land, and domestic water according to Decision No. 1719/QD-TTG dated October 14, 2021 of the Prime Minister.

Delta Nam requested the provincial leaders to direct mountainous local authorities to closely monitor data, update and supplement the database, and firmly understand each case; From there, coordinate and provide specific and accurate solutions.

 Noting the above opinions, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang requested that each locality must proactively come up with solutions, conduct measurements, prepare records and cadastral maps; Build a specific database for each household; Do not let the situation of "guessed" data or inconsistent data continue. On the provincial side, in the poverty reduction plan until 2025, the Provincial People's Committee has proposed a number of specific solutions to support people. The work of caring for and improving the quality of life of ethnic minority people must be implemented synchronously with many measures in many aspects. The province will drastically direct this work to sustainably reduce poverty in difficult localities and ethnic minority areas.

 To make life more secure and safe

 One of the issues that has received the attention of many delegates in recent meetings is the increase in cyber fraud crimes.

 At the group discussion session on the afternoon of July 11, Delegate Nguyen Van Hung (Tuy Phuoc unit) raised the issue of criminals using many sophisticated methods and tricks.  Previously, victims were people who had little understanding of the law and were not savvy with technology; Currently, there are many victims who have worked in state agencies and organizations, are doing business, and understand information technology.

 According to Delta Hung, in 2023, in Tuy Phuoc district, the amount of money people will be scammed online is only 800 million VND; However, in the first 6 months of 2024, this number has reached 25 billion VND, causing insecurity among the people.

 “Recently, the police sector has increased propaganda about online fraud, printing leaflets clearly stating 15 fraudulent acts to widely distribute among the people. However, it must be said that high-tech crimes have not decreased, and have even increased. We recommend that the Provincial People's Committee and the police sector have feasible and effective solutions to prevent this situation," Mr. Hung said.

 Besides, handling land violations continues to be a "hot" issue of concern to many localities. Delegate Phan Quoc Khanh (Phu My unit) expressed concern about the complicated situation of land encroachment and appropriation, giving rise to complex complaints and lawsuits, many cases of complaints reaching the Central level. From there, he requested the Provincial People's Committee to direct functional branches and localities to continue to have more drastic solutions to restore order, discipline, and tighten management in this work.

 Delegate Phan Quoc Khanh (Phu My unit) expressed concern about the complicated situation of land encroachment and appropriation, giving rise to complex complaints and lawsuits.

 Regarding this issue, Director of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Le Van Tung said: In the process of handling land encroachment, Binh Dinh is one of the leading localities in implementing the 2003 Land Law. The Provincial People's Committee has  Promulgate regulations on handling land encroachment, land allocated without proper authority, collecting money improperly with regulations and granting land use rights certificates to cases eligible to continue using in Binh Dinh province. Thanks to that, in the period 2008 - 2013, the whole province resolved and handled nearly 10,000 cases of land encroachment and appropriation violations. However, the problem of land encroachment and appropriation has continued to arise in recent years. According to statistics, the whole province has about 11,000 cases of violation. In 2024, the Provincial People's Committee assigned targets for localities to resolve 9,500 cases of violation. Up to now, localities have focused on implementing drastically and methodically with many solutions; As a result, over 50% of violation cases have been resolved according to assigned targets. In addition, localities also strengthen inspection, detection, and handling of land encroachment cases from the beginning, preventing new cases from arising.

 "The most important issue in the process of handling land encroachment and occupation is to ensure progress and time but must also comply with the law, be fair, open and transparent," Mr. Tung emphasized.  strong.

 It is necessary to promptly maintain and repair irrigation works

 Delegate Pham Quang An (Tuy Phuoc unit) expressed his concern that irrigation works and canals managed and exploited by Binh Dinh Irrigation Works Exploitation Company Limited are being seriously degraded but slowly. repaired, overcome, affecting irrigation and agricultural production.

 "This issue has been included in the annual monitoring program by the Fatherland Front and the Provincial People's Council, but up to now it has not been resolved," Delegate An said and proposed to include this content in the general questioning program at the conference meeting to clarify the cause.

Sharing the same concern, Delegate Le Binh Thanh (Tay Son unit) said that damaged dykes that have not been reinforced or repaired promptly are an unresolved problem and need to find the cause and solution. At the same time, the Provincial People's Committee needs to consider and provide appropriate support for the Company to operate effectively and better serve the agricultural production of the people.

 Participating in the discussion, Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Ho Dac Chuong said that since 2012, the State has had a policy of compensating irrigation fees for the Company to operate to manage and exploit irrigation works, then changed to provide price compensation but still maintain the same level of support as before.  With the annual price subsidy from the Ministry of Finance, after paying salaries for officials, employees, project operating costs..., the Company only spends 7% of the central budget's support for maintenance work, repairing works, mainly dredging canals for irrigation and drainage.

 Talking with the delegates, Chief of Office of the Provincial People's Committee Le Ngoc An said that recently the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee worked with the leaders of Binh Dinh Irrigation Works Exploitation Company Limited on the 2024 operating plan, finding  understand the reality, pay attention to the issues that the Company needs to consider and resolve, including funding sources for repairing damaged canals in the coming time. After that, the Provincial People's Committee issued a document supporting 5 billion VND for the Company to do this.

Author: DHV

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