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Closing of the 17th meeting, The Council of Provincial People course XIII, term 2021 - 2026: Approved 35 Resolutions

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - After 03 working days with a high sense of responsibility, on the afternoon of July 12, the 17th Session of the Provincial People's Council, course XIII, term 2021 - 2026, completed all content and chapters and closing ceremony.

 Comrades: Ho Quoc Dung - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Doan Van Phi - Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Huynh Thuy Van - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council co-chaired the meeting.


 Closing scene of the meeting.

 At this meeting, the Provincial People's Council reviewed and approved 76 reports and 32 submissions from the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council, the Provincial People's Committee and relevant agencies submitted to the meeting; Carry out the process of dismissing 01 Provincial People's Council delegate, dismissing 01 Provincial People's Committee member and unanimously passing 35 Resolutions. Among them, there are very important Resolutions, directly related to life, social security and socio-economic development of the province in the coming time.

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Ho Quoc Dung gave a closing speech at the meeting.

 Speaking at the end of the meeting, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Ho Quoc Dung commented that the socio-economic situation of our province from the beginning of 2024 until now has continued to recover positively and has made good progress, achieving many exciting results. initiative and encouragement in most fields. Gross local product (GRDP) increased by 7.6% over the same period, higher than the national average increase (6.42%).

 However, through discussion, the Provincial People's Council frankly pointed out the shortcomings and limitations in a number of industries and fields; Especially some socio-economic indicators in the first 6 months of the year were lower than planned. In particular, the subjective reason is that some agencies, units and localities are not really proactive, drastic, flexible and creative in organizing, implementing, directing and operating, especially in directing and solving difficulties, problems, and bottlenecks in socio-economic development; The spirit of “dare to think, dare to do, dare to take responsibility” has not been properly promoted.

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Ho Quoc Dung requested the Provincial People's Committee to receive and study the opinions of the Provincial People's Council delegates, closely follow practice, supplement and adjust more effective solutions in direction and administration to promote growth, completing the goals and targets set by the Resolution of the Provincial People's Council in 2024.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Ho Quoc Dung emphasized that the task set for the last 6 months of the year is huge;  In addition to the key tasks and basic solutions stated in the Resolution of the Provincial People's Council, Mr. Ho Quoc Dung requested the Provincial People's Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, heads of all levels, sectors, and localities from the province to basis, focusing on reviewing low achievement targets and determining the causes; On that basis, add practical, specific, and feasible solutions; Organize drastic implementation with high determination, striving to complete at the highest level the set targets and tasks of socio-economic development in 2024.

 Focus on directing the implementation of Binh Dinh Provincial Planning for the period 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050, ensuring synchronization and unity from the province to the grassroots in the socio-economic development plan for the next 5 years. Actively promote, call for and attract investment in off-budget projects of large scale, consistent with planning, and environmentally friendly to create a boost in the province's socio-economic development. Actively support and remove difficulties and create favorable conditions for businesses to recover and develop.  Focus on resolving difficulties and obstacles to accelerate the implementation of projects according to the plan and ensure the disbursement rate reaches 100% of the capital plan assigned by the Government. Implement synchronously, promptly and effectively 03 National Target Programs for the period 2021 - 2025. Focus on directing State budget revenues to meet assigned estimates. Strengthen state management of land, mineral resources, environmental protection,...

 Besides, well implement policies for people with meritorious services to the country, social security policies, and care for the people's lives; Organize well the activities of gratitude, drinking water to remember the source, gratitude associated with educating revolutionary traditions for the young generation on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs' Day (July 27, 1947-27/  July 2024). Strengthening national defense and security, ensuring social order and safety; Focus on directing the timely and effective resolution of citizens' complaints and denunciations, especially in crowded and complicated cases, avoiding the emergence of "hot spots" in security and order. Promote administrative reform, increase the application of information technology in State agencies and provide online public services. Further improve quality, efficiency and shorten work settlement time for people and businesses; At the same time, promote digital transformation in all fields.

 At the same time, focus on the medical field, especially medical equipment and supplies; Immediately overcome the situation of damaged medical equipment, slow repair, affecting medical examination and treatment for people to improve the quality of medical examination and treatment and people's health care...

Faced with increasing task requirements in the coming time, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Council requested heads of all levels, branches and officials and civil servants to promote initiative and creativity with the highest political determination, to change  new thinking, working style, truly dynamic, creative, and more drastic in carrying out assigned responsibilities to contribute to the successful implementation of the Resolution of the 20th Provincial Party Congress and the Development Plan 5-year socio-economic period 2021-2025.

 Resolutions passed at the 17th Session of the Provincial People's Council, term XIII:

 1. Resolution to extend the time for allocating capital for project implementation for projects using local budget capital.

 2.  Resolution on adjusting and supplementing the medium-term public investment plan of the provincial budget for the period 2021-2025.

 3.  Resolution on adjusting and supplementing the 2024 public investment plan.

 4.  Resolution on pilot decentralization for An Lao district in management and implementation of national target programs for the period 2024 - 2025.

 5. Resolution on adjusting and supplementing investment policies of Project: Ha Thanh 1 dam, Van Canh district.

 ​6.  Resolution on approving the investment policy of the Road to Tay Giang Industrial Park and Cluster Project.

 ​7.  Resolution on amending and supplementing Resolution No. 22/2021/NQ-HDND dated December 11, 2021 of the Provincial People's Council decentralizing revenue sources and state budget spending tasks among local authorities of Binh Dinh province during the period  2022-2025.

 ​8.  Resolution Promulgating Regulations on decentralization of authority to manage and use public assets at agencies, organizations and units under the management of Binh Dinh province. 

 ​9.  Resolution on amending and supplementing a number of articles of regulations promulgated together with Resolution No. 08/2023/NQ-HDND dated July 14, 2023 of the Provincial People's Council amending and supplementing a number of articles of promulgated regulations  Enclosed with Resolution No. 23/2021/NQ-HDND dated December 11, 2021 of the Provincial People's Council on allocation norms for regular expenditure estimates of the local budget in 2022 in Binh Dinh province.

 ​10.  Resolution on the province's 5-year land use plan (2021-2025).

 ​11.  Resolution approving the policy of converting forests to other purposes.

​12.  Resolution on promulgating the List of public services using budget in the field of agricultural economic activities and rural development in Binh Dinh province.

 ​13.  Resolution on the List of public  services using state budget in the Natural Resources and Environment sector in Binh Dinh province.

 ​14.  Resolution on promulgating contents and tasks of spending on maintenance, repair and urgent handling of dyke incidents in the province.

 ​15.  Resolution regulating the content and spending levels to carry out the tasks of investigation, survey and collection of statistical information guaranteed by the local budget.

 ​16.  Resolution regulating policies to support medical examination and treatment for the poor and some disadvantaged people in Binh Dinh province.

 ​17.  Resolution on adjusting and supplementing a number of contents of Resolution No. 45/NQ-HDND dated September 7, 2022 of the People's Council of Binh Dinh province promulgating the Project to ensure physical facilities for preschool and secondary general  education programs in Binh Dinh province in the period 2022-2025.

 ​18.  The resolution stipulates a number of support policies for students of Nhon Chau Commune studying at high schools in the province.

 ​19.  Resolution to amend and supplement Article 1 of Resolution No. 15/2021/NQ-HDND dated July 27, 2021 of the Provincial People's Council Regulating social assistance standards and social assistance levels for social protection subjects  in Binh Dinh province.

 ​20.  The resolution regulates the level of gift giving to the Care and Nursing Center for people with meritorious services, people with meritorious services and relatives of people with meritorious services to the revolution on the occasion of holidays and New Year in Binh Dinh province.

 ​21.  Resolution on Regulating a number of policies to preserve and promote traditional art forms in Binh Dinh province, period 2024 - 2028.

 ​22.  Resolution on stipulating a number of policies to support the publication, dissemination, and awarding of works, literary and artistic works of creative and award-winning writers and artists in 2024 and 2025.

 ​23.  Resolution on promulgating a policy to support attracting delegations to Binh Dinh province to attend conferences and seminars.​

 24. Resolution promulgating regulations on spending content and spending levels for dissemination and legal education, legal access standards and grassroots conciliation in Binh Dinh province.

25. Resolution on amending and supplementing Article 1 of Resolution No. 39/2022/NQ-HDND dated December 10.  2022 of the Provincial People's Council Regulating a number of policies for ethnic minorities in Binh Dinh province

 26. Resolution on the socio-economic situation in the first 6 months of the year, directions and tasks for the last 6 months of 2024.

 27. Resolution on the results of thematic monitoring "The situation and results of implementing the State's guidelines and policies on resolving productive land for people in ethnic minority areas in the province during the period  2021-2024”.

 28. Resolution on the results of thematic supervision "Situation of scientific research activities and transfer of research results into practical socio-economic development in the province in the period 2018 - 2023".

 29. Resolution on the results of monitoring the topic "The situation of implementing policies to support poor and near-poor households to build and repair houses from 2022 - 2023".

 30. Resolution on the results of thematic supervision "Law enforcement in some areas of judicial assistance activities in the province from 2021-2023".

 31. Resolution on the Provincial People's Council's Supervision Program in 2025.

 32. Resolution on the results of coordination to resolve issues arising between two sessions of the Provincial People's Council.

 33. Resolution on termination of duties as a delegate of the People's Council of Binh Dinh province, course XIII, term 2021 - 2026 (For Mr. Le Van Thuong - Former Chief Justice of the Provincial People's Court due to job transfer).

 34. Resolution on dismissal of Member of Binh Dinh Provincial People's Committee, course XIII, term 2021 - 2026 (For Mr. Le Cong Nhuong - Former Director of the Department of Science and Technology due to retirement according to regime).

 35. Resolution of the 17th session (thematic session) of the People's Council of Binh Dinh province, course XIII, term 2021-2026.

Author: DHV

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