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Efforts to strongly promote economic diplomacy to serve the country

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of December 21, in Hanoi, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized the 32nd Diplomatic Conference with the theme "Promoting the pioneering role, building a comprehensive and modern diplomacy , stay strong, and successfully implement the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress" - plenary session on economic diplomacy to serve national development. The conference was organized in person and online to provinces and cities nationwide.  Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attended and spoke at the conference.

 Also attending the conference were comrades: Le Hoai Trung, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Committee for Foreign Affairs; Bui Thanh Son, Member of the Party Central Committee, Minister of Foreign Affairs; leaders of a number of ministries and central branches, leaders of 63 provinces and cities, large businesses and corporations.

 Attending at the Binh Dinh province bridge were comrade Pham Anh Tuan, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; leaders of a number of related departments and branches.

 View of the Binh Dinh bridge conference

 Speaking at the opening of the conference, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son said that from the National Foreign Affairs Conference and the 31st Diplomatic Conference up to now, the world and regional situation has undergone major changes. complex, with multi-dimensional impacts on our country's socio-economic development.  In that context, closely following the foreign policy, the 13th Party Congress, the instructions of the Politburo, the Secretariat and the leaders of the Party, State and Government, strongly promote identity. Vietnamese bamboo diplomacy", both steadfast in principle and flexible in strategy, flexible and creative but very courageous and resilient for the benefit of the nation, the diplomacy has overcome many problems. difficulties and challenges, together with branches and levels, deploy synchronously and effectively the pillars and branches of foreign affairs and diplomacy.

 Foreign affairs activities take place vibrantly across continents on both bilateral and multilateral levels. In the past 3 years, we have successfully organized 45 visits of key leaders to neighboring countries, strategic partner countries, many important partners, traditional friends and attended many forums. important multilateral forum, and also welcomed nearly 50 visits by leaders of countries to Vietnam, including historic visits.

In that great overall achievement of foreign affairs, there is a very important contribution of economic diplomacy. Deeply grasp the policy set out by the 13th Party Congress on "building economic diplomacy to serve development, with people, localities and businesses as the service center", under the close direction of The Politburo, the Secretariat, directly and regularly the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers, economic diplomacy has had new developments in a more comprehensive, substantive and effective direction. Thoroughly organized and deployed synchronously and consistently the Party's major policies and orientations on economic diplomacy; promote the pioneering role of foreign affairs in mobilizing external resources, making important contributions to successfully implementing the mission: effectively preventing and controlling the Covid-19 epidemic, while promoting recovery and development. socio-economic development; well implement the policy of "taking people, localities and businesses as the service center" in economic diplomacy activities; Implementing economic diplomacy has many aspects that are more innovative and creative, promoting the synergy and synergy of sectors and levels...

 At the conference, delegates also discussed and objectively and comprehensively evaluated the results and achievements of economic diplomacy work achieved from the beginning of the 13th term until now. Especially since the issuance of Directive No. 15 of the Secretariat and the Government's Action Program on economic diplomacy. In particular, clarify and deepen the results and draw lessons from experience.


Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh gave a directive speech at the conference.

 Speaking at the conference, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh acknowledged and praised the results achieved by economic diplomacy activities over the past 3 years. The Prime Minister raised 6 outstanding achievements in economic diplomacy and pointed out 5 limitations that need to be overcome. The Prime Minister suggested that in the coming time, ministries, branches and localities need to have innovative, positive and effective thinking. Firmly grasp the situation, change the approach to advise the Party and State to build appropriate economic diplomacy strategies. Smoothly combining the national strength and the strength of the times. Learn modern management methods and human resource management. Perfecting the institutions of a socialist-oriented market economy; ensure independence, autonomy and active integration. At the same time, stick closely to reality to do what people and businesses need. Build a team of diplomatic officers who are politically brave, economically sensitive, skilled in diplomatic operations, knowledgeable about the law, and have heart and vision.

 The Prime Minister stated clearly: In 2024, there will be many opportunities and challenges intertwined, so diplomatic work needs to be proactive and close to the new situation; have a strategic vision. Continue to institutionalize the Party's foreign policy, focusing on key stages; Clearly identify difficulties and challenges that need to be resolved. Improve institutions and cooperation mechanisms to ensure completeness, practicality and good implementation. Need to be flexible, proactive, and strong to quickly diversify markets, products, and supply chains. Promote self-reliance, self-reliance, initiative and creativity; Strengthen coordination between ministries, branches and localities...


Author: DHV

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