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Leaders of Binh Dinh province worked with Supercool Energy Company (UAE)

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - Continuing the investment, trade and tourism promotion program in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), on December 8, the delegation of Binh Dinh province led by the Chairman of the People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan province, led by Pham Anh Tuan, had a meeting and discussed investment opportunities with Supercool Company, one of the leading companies in energy supply for the industrial sector and electric vehicle manufacturing, of which There are electric cars racing all over the world. Welcoming the delegation was Mr. Sven Hackmann - Strategy Director of the company.

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan met and discussed with Mr. Sven Hackmann - Strategy Director of Supercool company

 At the meeting, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan introduced investment opportunities in Binh Dinh and wished to connect with large businesses in the UAE about fields that Binh Dinh province is inviting investment such as renewable energy, ports, electric vehicles, electronics, hydrogen.....

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan paid a courtesy call to Mr. Sven Hackmann - Strategy Director of Supercool company

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan said that Binh Dinh is currently behind a few localities in terms of investment in this field, but he hopes the province will rise to the forefront in the race to attract pioneering, different and innovative projects, breakthroughs in the field of sustainability, including hydrogen production. At the same time, he pledged that, immediately after announcing the provincial planning this month, Binh Dinh province will immediately work with investors who have strengths in hydrogen production, because this is a technology being researched and developed for use in hydrogen production. Fast battery charging technology for electric vehicles, solving the problem of fast charging time of about 6 minutes for cars, faster than regular gas pumps.

 Sharing with the representative of the province's delegation, Mr. Sven Hackmann, Strategy Director of the company, hoped that the two sides should soon establish an in-depth working session on this issue because this is the main area that the Company is looking forward to. want to invest. A representative of Supercool Company added that the company currently has a network of Supercool Mobility Centers globally, currently has 07 hubspots operating as a center connecting manufacturers, governments, innovators and investors. investment, as well as a gathering place for businesses and investors to learn and cooperate in business.

 In addition, Mr. Sven Hackmann said that the place where the two sides worked this afternoon was the Information Introduction Center, where businesses meet with each other (B2B), this is a virtual reality technology platform that can introduce all products, and at the same time, it is more convenient when foreign delegations coming to the UAE do not need to directly visit each business established by the Company. Mr. Sven Hackmann promised that this platform will be a bridge to help Binh Dinh widely promote information to businesses with investment needs around the world.


 The provincial delegation took souvenir photos with Mr. Sven Hackmann - Strategy Director of Supercool company

 On this occasion, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan invited Mr. Sven Hackmann to Binh Dinh to attend the UIM F1H2O and Aquabike International Professional Motorboat Races hosted by the locality in 2024, and at the same time participate Investment promotion conference in Binh Dinh. This is an opportunity for the province to introduce the economic potential of Vietnam in general and Binh Dinh in particular, and is also a place where partners can exchange, research and cooperate on projects in the fields that the company is interested. On behalf of the company, Mr. Sven Hackmann happily accepted the invitation and will be present in Vietnam during the above period.

Author: DHV

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