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Sixth meeting of the Government's Administrative Reform Steering Committee

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the afternoon of November 14, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, Head of the Government's Administrative Reform Steering Committee, chaired the National Online Conference, the sixth session of the Reform Steering Committee; The Government's administrative method aims to evaluate the results of the 10 months of 2023 and the directions and tasks for the last 2 months of the year.

 Comrade Pham Anh Tuan - Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Head of the Provincial Administrative Reform Steering Committee chaired the conference at Binh Dinh bridge point.


 Conference scene at Binh Dinh bridge.

 According to the report at the conference, in the first 10 months of 2023, administrative reform work has been requested by the Government, Prime Minister, and Head of the Steering Committee to continue to innovate  drastically, closely, and specifically in leading and directing the implementation of important tasks and solutions to promote administrative reform. The Government and the Prime Minister have also issued many resolutions, directives and telegrams to create stronger changes in administrative reform in general, reform of administrative procedures, and speed up disbursement progress public investment capital, improving the business investment environment, reforming the administrative apparatus organization, reforming administrative procedures, strengthening discipline and order in state administrative agencies at all levels to create favorable conditions for people, businesses... On that basis, administrative reform has had positive changes, achieving quite comprehensive results on all 6 contents, including: institutional reform; administrative reform; reforming the organization of the State administrative apparatus; reform of the civil service regime; public finance reform; Build and develop e-Government and digital government.

 Information, propaganda and inspection of administrative reform are carried out regularly and continuously, contributing to strengthening administrative discipline. Members of the Steering Committee and the Standing Committee of the Steering Committee inspected administrative reform work in provinces and cities according to the proposed plan.

 Institutional reform and legal development receive special attention, with many innovations; Many problems in production and business, finance, currency, real estate, corporate bonds, access to credit, land, common construction material mines for strategic infrastructure projects... have been resolved, remove from the beginning of the year until now, the Government has organized 8 thematic meetings on law-making, issued 79 decrees;  The Prime Minister has issued 27 normative decisions...

 Reform of administrative procedures and improvement of the investment and business environment have been promoted.  From 2021 until now, nearly 2,500 business regulations have been reduced and simplified. Ministries have reduced and simplified 437 administrative procedures related to citizenship documents; 21/22 ministries and 61/63 localities have announced the list of internal administrative procedures... The Government has promptly reported and submitted to the National Assembly policies related to issues related to global minimum tax.

Organizational reform has been implemented drastically, with many positive changes. Most ministries have perfected the functions and tasks of internal organizations; 63/63 localities have basically completed the review and organizational arrangements within departments and branches; The organizational apparatus has been significantly streamlined. Regulations on the establishment, organization and operation of inter-sectoral coordination organizations have been amended and supplemented in accordance with practice. The Government has submitted to the National Assembly for approval a new specific mechanism to develop Ho Chi Minh City; At the same time, the National Assembly is considering the draft Capital Law (amended)...


 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan spoke at the conference.

 Speaking at the conference, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan said that Binh Dinh province has determined that the key task of reforming the province's civil service regime is "Focusing on building a team of cadres, civil servants and employees." position with integrity, quality, capacity and prestige, on par with the tasks in the new situation." Binh Dinh province always pays attention to leading, directing, and promulgating Decisions and Plans to concretize tasks and solutions on reforming the civil service and civil servant regime, ensuring the capacity improvement of the staff, civil servants and public employees, especially leaders and managers of governments at all levels, building an effective and efficient administrative system. The Provincial People's Committee has issued a Regulation on coordination in handling administrative procedures on investment, construction, land, environment and fire prevention and fighting in the province. Accordingly, reducing the time to resolve procedures from approval of investment policies to obtaining construction permits for projects in economic zones and industrial parks to attract businesses to invest in the province. At the same time, it is recommended to strengthen decentralization, decentralization, and individualize the responsibilities of officials along with controlling power; Deploy and thoroughly grasp at all levels and branches the implementation of regulations on encouraging and protecting officials who are dynamic, creative, dare to think, dare to do, and dare to take responsibility for the common good.

 At the conference, delegates discussed and discussed, focusing on analyzing difficulties and barriers and proposing specific and practical directions and solutions to achieve the goal of administrative reform (PAR) in 2023.

 Speaking at the conclusion of the conference, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, Head of the Government's Administrative Reform Steering Committee, acknowledged, praised and appreciated the efforts, efforts and results achieved by the ministries, industry, locality; the drastic direction of members of the Administrative Reform Steering Committee over the past time; has made an important contribution to the overall success of the whole country. At the same time, it is required to further promote all 6 administrative reform contents, in which institutional reform is the foundation, procedural reform is the focus, civil service and civil servant reform is the driving force, along with reform organize the apparatus, reform public finance and build a digital Government to create a breakthrough. Ministries, branches and localities continue to review and innovate methods and methods and promote the roles and responsibilities of leaders to effectively organize and implement assigned administrative reform tasks. Leaders of party committees, authorities, especially at the grassroots level, seriously listen and strengthen dialogue to directly grasp reality and direct the handling of difficulties and obstacles for people and businesses.

 Along with that, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh also requested to focus on reviewing and completing legal regulations to effectively implement the Law on Electronic Transactions (amended). Urgently review and complete amendments and supplements to regulations to serve the effective implementation of Project 06. Continue to promulgate and effectively implement policies to reduce fees and charges, especially reducing Time to resolve administrative procedures to encourage people and businesses to use online public services...

Author: DHV

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