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Binh Dinh always accompanies and supports Korean businesses to invest in sustainable development

 That is the assertion of comrade Ho Quoc Dung, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, at a working session with the Korean Agency for Infrastructure Cooperation and Urban Development Abroad (Kind Korea) and at the Investment Promotion Conference , local cooperation of Binh Dinh province in Korea, on November 3. The conference was organized by the Department of Planning and Investment in coordination with the Vietnamese Embassy in Korea and the Vietnam - Korea Business and Investment Association (VKBIA) in Seoul.

 Attending the conference were Mr. Nguyen Vu Tung, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Vietnam in Korea; Mr. Kang Hoon Lee, Chairman of Kind Korea and representatives of many Kind Korea member corporations and businesses; Mr. Tran Hai Linh, Chairman of VKBIA and many corporations and businesses of the association, representatives of some Korean investment funds.


 Representatives of many Korean corporations and businesses attended the Investment Promotion and Local Cooperation Conference of Binh Dinh province in Korea. Photo: Department of Planning and Investment

 At a separate working session with Kind Korea as well as at the Investment Promotion and Local Cooperation Conference of Binh Dinh province in Korea, representatives of many Korean organizations, units, corporations and businesses all expressed their impressions, with potential, advantages, investment environment, and policy mechanisms to attract investment; Fields and industries that Binh Dinh is prioritizing to attract and support investment;  land rental prices, land rental exemption and reduction policies;  labor source;  capital flow provided to businesses... when investing in economic zones and industrial parks, especially Becamex VSIP Binh Dinh Industrial Park.

 Provincial Party Secretary Ho Quoc Dung further informed: Binh Dinh currently ranks 6th out of 14 North Central and Central Coast provinces in terms of GRDP scale.  The vision and development orientation of Binh Dinh in the future will be a center of science and technology, innovation, an important place to apply artificial intelligence in Vietnam;  Sustainable economic development is based on the following pillars: Manufacturing and processing industry, information technology industry and AI;  high quality tourism;  Organic agriculture and effective logistics system.

 Representatives of a number of Korean corporations and businesses shared their strong investment and business activities. Photo: Department of Planning and Investment

 Through exchanges and discussions at the meeting with Kind Korea and at the Conference, in general, Korean investors highly appreciate the potential, advantages, and investment cooperation opportunities in Binh Dinh. In particular, Kind Korea shows great interest in investing in seaport and logistics technical infrastructure. The Provincial People's Committee and Kind Korea have identified a group of fields with rich development potential, orientations for Kind Korea businesses to approach, and at the same time concretized many working contents to create favorable conditions for Korean investors when Approach provincial authorities.

At the Conference, the Provincial People's Committee and VKBIA signed a memorandum of understanding to coordinate and support investment funds, corporations, businesses, and Korean organizations to survey and seek investment and business cooperation opportunities in Binh Dinh province. Coordinate and support Korean corporations, businesses and businessmen and businesses in Binh Dinh province with export and import needs to access each side's export and import markets. Cooperate and exchange experiences in investment and trade, contributing to improving the investment and business environment of the parties.

 The two sides agreed to support the business community to take advantage of the Vietnam-Korea Free Trade Agreement to promote the implementation of commitments in the agreement. Creating conditions for cooperation and connection in investment and trade, the two sides will actively coordinate to organize many conferences, seminars, and discussions between investment funds, corporations, businesses, and other organizations. Korean agencies and organizations, businesses, agencies and organizations of Binh Dinh province; Cooperate in conducting surveys, data collection and in-depth analysis of market needs of Binh Dinh province and localities in Korea, serving the needs, production and business activities, and investment promotion. investment, trade, and tourism of enterprises belonging to the parties.


 Representative of the Provincial People's Committee signed a memorandum of cooperation with VKBIA. Photo: Department of Planning and Investment.

 “Binh Dinh hopes that Kind Korea and VKBIA will become an important bridge for Korean corporations and businesses to come to Binh Dinh and learn more about the business investment environment. Binh Dinh always accompanies and supports businesses to invest in sustainable development, ensuring businesses do not encounter any barriers when coming to Binh Dinh to learn about the investment environment, sign investment cooperation to implement projects.  With all my enthusiasm and dedication for the sustainable development of the locality in particular and the country in general, I respectfully invite Korean businesses and investors to come to Binh Dinh to reap achievements together,  success and good results are waiting" - Provincial Party Committee Secretary Ho Quoc Dung invited.

Author: DHV

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