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Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan visited and congratulated the Provincial Women's Union

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the occasion of the 93rd anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Women's Union (October 20, 1930 - October 20, 2023) and the 13th anniversary of Vietnamese Women's Day (October 20, 2023), on the morning of October 19, comrade Pham Anh Tuan - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee visited, gave flowers, and congratulated officials and employees of the Provincial Women's Union.

 View of visit

 At the visit, Chairman of the Provincial Women's Union Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy reported to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee some outstanding results in the activities of the Union at all levels in recent times. Notably, the Association has launched emulation movements that have brought positive effects such as: Women help each other with the family economy; Women are good at country work and housework;  Women participate in building a "5 free, 3 clean" family; Women actively participate in dealing with the problem of plastic waste; Women participate in building new rural areas... Emulation movements have contributed to improving the position of women in the family and society; contribute to achieving the goal of hunger eradication and poverty reduction in the locality.

 On behalf of the provincial leaders, comrade Pham Anh Tuan - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee acknowledged, praised and appreciated the role and great contributions of the Provincial Women's Union to the development of the province.  socio-economic development of the province in recent times. He hopes that the Provincial Women's Union will continue to build and replicate meaningful and practical models for women at all levels in the province;  Organize more suitable movements for women at all levels in the province to participate, further promoting the role of women in many fields; proactively advise and propose issues related to the Association's activities and the women's movement in the area. The Provincial Association needs to always connect with the government, share information regularly, and try to work with local authorities to develop strong association work at the grassroots. Focus on innovation and creativity in the Association's activities in a practical and effective direction. Because the foundation is strong, the activities of the Provincial Women's Union will be strong. The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also hoped that the Provincial Women's Union would continue to promote the spirit of solidarity and lead the association's work and the women's movement at all levels to increasingly develop in the new situation.


 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan presented flowers to congratulate the Provincial Women's Union

Sharing joy on the traditional day celebrating the 93rd anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam Women's Union (October 20, 1930 - October 20, 2023) and the 13th anniversary of Vietnamese Women's Day (October 20), President  Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan presented flowers and best wishes to all leaders and staff of the Provincial Women's Union, wishing the entire Association good health, success, and continuing to promote the women's movement at all levels. grow strongly, contributing to the effective implementation of the province's political tasks and the general movement of Vietnamese women, worthy of the title "Vietnamese Women: Confident - Self-respecting - Loyal - Dedicated".

 On behalf of the Provincial Women's Union, Chairman of the Association Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy thanked the provincial leaders for their attention and promised that the Association will always unite, focus on leadership, and direct all levels of the grassroots Association to continue making more efforts to improve work efficiency and positively contribute to the development of the province.

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan took souvenir photos with officials of the Provincial Women's Union

Author: DHV

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