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Implement urgent tasks and solutions to preserve wild and migratory birds in Vietnam

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee has just issued an official dispatch assigning the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to implement the direction of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on promoting the implementation of Directive No 04/CT-TTg dated May 17, 2022 by the Prime Minister on a number of urgent tasks and solutions to preserve wild and migratory birds in Vietnam.

 Illustration photo (Source: baochinhphu.vn)

 In order to promote the implementation of Directive No. 04/CT-TTg dated May 17, 2022 of the Prime Minister on a number of urgent tasks and solutions to conserve wild and migratory birds in Vietnam, especially in  Migratory bird season is from September to April every year and in response to the International Day of Migratory Birds on October 14, 2023, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment requests ministries, branches and People's Committees of provinces and cities. The Central Government directs media agencies to increase reporting and broadcast messages, reports, propaganda bulletins, and disseminate Directive No. 04/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister and legal documents on security. Conservation of wild and migratory birds in Vietnam.  Require officials, civil servants, workers and people not to participate in hunting, catching, buying, selling, transporting, slaughtering, consuming, storing or advertising illegal wild and migratory birds; Do not buy individual birds for release because this is an act of abetting illegal hunting and trapping of wild birds.

 In addition, direct law enforcement agencies such as forest rangers, customs, market management, and police to strengthen inter-agency coordination to regularly inspect and inspect restaurants and business establishmentss, wild bird markets, key areas, hubs for hunting, catching, trading, transporting and consuming wild and migratory birds;  Strictly handle illegal acts of hunting, shooting, trapping, capturing, slaughtering, transporting, trading, processing, and storing wild and migratory birds; Implement measures to prevent diseases originating from wild and migratory birds./.

Author: DHV

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