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Experts and scientists share digital transformation experiences in Binh Dinh

 The 24th ICT Development Cooperation Conference in Quy Nhon (Binh Dinh) is a forum for policy makers, managers, experts, and scientists to share experiences.

 The 24th Vietnam Information and Communications Technology Development Cooperation Workshop was organized by the Ministry of Information and Communications in collaboration with the Vietnam Information Technology Association and Binh Dinh Provincial People's Committee in Quy Nhon City on September 22.

 Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Huy Dung spoke at the opening of the conference

 This is a forum for policymakers, managers, experts, and scientists to share experiences and cooperate between ministries, central branches, provinces and cities nationwide for  issues of digital transformation..., and at the same time an opportunity for localities across the country to meet, share and exchange successfully implemented models, as well as remove difficulties and obstacles in  local digital transformation process, aiming to gradually build a modern, synchronous digital government, actively contributing to the task of administrative reform, serving people and businesses, and ensuring national defense and security and sustainable socio-economic development.

Overview of the conference

 Issue a shared database soon

 Sharing at the conference, Mr. Nguyen Phu Tien - Deputy Director in charge, National Digital Transformation Department, Ministry of Information and Communications said that the 3 pillars of digital transformation include digital government - digital economy - digital society. supporting each other, promoting one pillar will lead to the development of the remaining pillars.

Mr. Nguyen Phu Tien presented the content of national digital transformation in 2023

 In 2022, national digital transformation indices will all reach above average values; 100% of ministries and provinces have increased index compared to 2021. Orientation for 2023 "Year of digital data", ministries, branches and localities focus on building data, deploying platforms, and analyzing data.

 As for the fourth quarter of 2023, ministries, branches and localities will focus on organizing and implementing effectively the tasks assigned by the Prime Minister and the digital transformation plans of ministries, branches and localities approved.

Mr. Nguyen Phu Tien recommended that from now until the end of the year, ministries, branches and localities that have not yet issued a shared database should consider promulgating it soon. Once a shared database is issued, local responsibilities in that database must be clearly defined...

 Along with that, it is necessary to review and complete legal documents to minimize the amount of paper documents that people and state agencies have to use when carrying out administrative procedures.

 “Ministries, branches and localities are determined to review legal documents to minimize administrative procedures and records based on data sharing connections. We must have a shared data warehouse, so that when people provide data to state agencies, they only provide it once," Mr. Tien shared.

 At the conference, managers, experts, and scientists shared the orientation for information technology development and digital transformation in the coming period; exchange and propose solutions to deploy content on digital transformation, digital data, platforms, technology application products...

 Improve the efficiency of building a digital government

 Sharing in the discussion session of the Data and supporting platforms to improve the efficiency of building a digital government, Mr. Nguyen Huu Hanh, Director of the Department of Information and Communications of Soc Trang province, shared his experiences in deploying and operating the Center. IOC monitoring and operating center (IOC Center).

Signing a Memorandum of Understanding on coordinating the implementation and promotion of digital signatures in Binh Dinh province

 Mr. Hanh said that over the past 2 years, Soc Trang province has been building and gradually completing the IOC Center to serve the leadership, direction and administration of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial People's Committee. The implementation of the IOC center in the province has achieved some quite positive initial results. Some areas of data are quite complete, serving the direction and administration of leaders.

 According to Mr. Hanh, in the long term, build a data warehouse, in the short term, choose fields that are immediately effective to create a spillover effect and must follow the requirements of the user unit; Drastically and thoroughly perfecting each product one by one.

 In addition to the achieved results, the current construction of digital data is still difficult and problematic. That is, data is fragmentary, scattered, and lacking in updates; Sharing data, especially from the central government to localities, is very difficult; Catalog data is inconsistent, the data cleaning process is time-consuming;...

 From the difficulties and obstacles, delegates proposed that there should be mechanisms to force administrators to share data; There are specific and consistent regulations in the law, in Decree and circulars of industries and fields on the use of data in databases and specialized information systems to have equivalent evidentiary value.  equivalent to paper documents...

“To ensure the facilities are updated, I propose to gradually replace reporting operations when updating data. If we replace reporting with updated data, the databases will be easier to update, in accordance with what the Ministry of Public Security evaluates as correct - enough - clean - alive", Mr. Tran Kim Kha, Director of the Department of Information and Communications of Binh Dinh province proposed.

 Two basic elements in digital transformation

 Speaking at the conference, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Huy Dung, a member of the National Digital Transformation Steering Committee, said that digital data and digital platforms are two basic elements in the national digital transformation process. Data is born from platforms and exploited by platforms. Only with data can the platform operate effectively. Therefore, ministries and localities need to focus on connecting, sharing and opening data to effectively exploit this resource.

 Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Huy Dung handed over the Prime Minister's decision to admit Binh Dinh Information and Communications Technology Center as a member of the Quang Trung Software Park Chain to Binh Dinh province.


 Director of the Department of Information and Communications of Binh Dinh province Tran Kim Kha

 “Digital data is neither hardware nor software, nor a digital platform, but is the property of ministries, branches, and localities, and is the property of the nation. I hope ministries, branches and localities promote digital transformation. The first thing to do is focus on developing industry and local data. It is necessary to focus on connecting and sharing data and opening data to effectively exploit this resource. The more data is shared and used, the more value it creates," Mr. Dung said.

 At this conference, the Management Board of Quang Trung Software Park chain announced the Prime Minister's decision to admit Binh Dinh Information Technology and Communications Center as a member of Quang Trung Software Park Chain.

Author: DHV

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