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Opening of the Conference "Science for Peace" of the World Parliamentary Union

  (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of September 11, at the International Center for Interdisciplinary Science and Education (ICISE), the Opening Ceremony of the Conference "Science for Peace" of the Inter-Parliamentary Union took place world with the theme: Water security and insecurity: rebuilding peaceful coexistence with science.

Attending the opening ceremony were: Mr. Mokhtar Omar - Senior Advisor to the Secretary General of the World Parliamentary Union; along with more than 60 scientists and young parliamentarians representing 18 countries around the world.

 On the Central side, there are comrades: Nguyen Duc Hai - Member of the Party Central Committee, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly of Vietnam; Vu Hai Quan - Member of the Party Central Committee, President of Ho Chi Minh City National University; Nguyen Tuan Anh - Deputy Chairman of the Vietnam National Assembly Science, Technology and Environment Committee; and leaders of central departments, ministries and branches.

 On the provincial leadership side, there are comrades: Ho Quoc Dung - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Doan Van Phi - Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Lam Hai Giang - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Ly Tiet Hanh - Deputy Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation;  Representatives of leaders of relevant departments, branches and branches of the province.

 Also attending the opening ceremony was Prof.  Jean Tran Thanh Van - President of Vietnam Scientific Association; GS. Le Kim Ngoc - Chairman of the Vietnamese Children's Protection Association in France.

 View of the opening ceremony of the conference.


Mr. Mokhtar Omar - Senior Advisor to the IPU Secretary General spoke at the opening ceremony of the conference.

 The “Science for Peace” conference is a high-quality international extra-scientific conference that facilitates inter-parliamentary cooperation through science, inspiring young parliamentarians of different countries. in the spirit of solving political and diplomatic issues through the scientific foundation of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the Vietnam Science Association, and the International Center for Interdisciplinary Science and Education (ICISE), Vietnam Ministry of Science and Technology, Binh Dinh Provincial People's Committee coordinated to organize. This is the first conference organized by the World Parliamentary Union at the ICISE Center within the framework of the cooperation agreement between the World Parliamentary Union and the ICISE Center on May 11, 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The conference will take place from September 11 - 13, 2023 with the official opening session at 9:00 a.m. on September 11, 2023 at the International Center for Interdisciplinary Science and Education - No. 07 Science Avenue, Area Area 2, Ghenh Rang ward, Quy Nhon city, Binh Dinh. The conference will have 9 discussion sessions with in-depth topics: Science and politics; Earth observation programs to monitor water resources;  Typical legislative practice; Multilateral, regional and bilateral diplomacy on water resources for cross-border cooperation;  A human rights-based approach to water security and peace; Innovating water treatment technology to ensure water source security; Promoting water security through community science; Network of Parliamentary Alliances on Water Resources; Science Diplomacy and Predictive Science.


 Comrade Nguyen Duc Hai - Member of the Party Central Committee, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly of Vietnam spoke at the ceremony.

 Speaking at the ceremony, Comrade Nguyen Duc Hai - Member of the Party Central Committee, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly of Vietnam said that water concerns are not a matter of just a few countries but an issue of  global issue, becoming the issue of water security (ANNN), one of the major non-traditional security challenges facing humanity today, and a topic at many major forums around the world. Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Duc Hai emphasized that in the context of increasingly negative and unpredictable impacts of climate change, water security is an issue that Vietnam is particularly concerned about; It is necessary to develop orientations, goals and specific solutions to ensure water source security. To solve and overcome the above challenges, Vietnam has had many solutions, focusing on improving the legal system. Currently, there are over 100 management documents related to water. At its 6th Session in October, the National Assembly will consider and pass the Law on Water Resources (amended) to make overall adjustments to water; At the same time, we are directing agencies to review relevant Laws to ensure completion of the legislative framework on State Security...

 Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Duc Hai said that in recent times, the Vietnamese National Assembly has proactively and actively proposed activities and participated in IPU's global initiatives. He highly appreciated the efforts and initiatives of the IPU as a global inter-parliamentary cooperation mechanism, supporting and closely coordinating with the National Assembly of Vietnam to promote the role of parliamentary cooperation. to join hands to solve global challenges. This weekend, the Vietnamese National Assembly and IPU will organize the 9th Global Young Parliamentarians Conference in Hanoi. This will be an important event, mobilizing the participation and contributions of young Parliamentarians around the world to implement the global agenda for sustainable development until 2030.

 With the desire to cooperate with the regional and international community to ensure national security and reduce disagreements on sustainable exploitation and use of water; building peace through scientific cooperation, he asked the participating delegates to share the challenges they are facing and exchange solutions; lessons and experiences in implementing this goal and in-depth discussions on 04 topics of the Conference, which are: Water situation and world peace; Law and best practice – parliamentary water network; Case studies of Vietnam, Shehel and the Middle East; Cooperate for a water project together.

He also hoped that the delegates attending the Conference would jointly agree and commit to the goals that we will implement in the coming time to achieve the theme "Water security and insecurity: Building peace through  science” is useful content for participating countries;  for the prosperity of nations along with ensuring water security;  Successfully implement the Global Sustainable Development Goals until 2030.

Provincial Party Secretary Ho Quoc Dung spoke at the opening ceremony.

 Speaking at the opening ceremony, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung emphasized that the "Science for Peace" Conference taking place today is the first event marking the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Inter-Parliamentary Union IPU with ICISE Center officially realized.  At the same time, it is also an academically important and high-quality conference in the context of "peace, stability and development cooperation" facing great challenges. At this event, issues related to water security and insecurity based on scientific solutions to build peace will be mentioned, analyzed and clarified. This event also contributes to strengthening the relationship between the scientific community and the parliamentary coalition community to support science and world peace.

 Provincial Party Secretary Ho Quoc Dung hopes that delegates and scientists will spend time visiting, exploring scenic spots, and experiencing the unique culture and cuisine of Binh Dinh. At the same time, we hope that after this conference, experts and scientists will return to Binh Dinh, not only to attend scientific meetings but also to support and help Binh Dinh develop science and education, education and other socio-economic fields so that Binh Dinh truly becomes a model of sustainable development based on science and technology.


 GS. Jean Tran Thanh Van - President of the Meet Vietnam scientific association spoke at the opening ceremony of the conference.

 Speaking at the opening ceremony of the conference, Prof. Jean Tran Thanh Van - Chairman of the scientific association Meet Vietnam (Rencontres du Vietnam, France) emphasized: "Vietnam has participated in proposing a project to take 2022-2023 as the international year of basic science to serve  sustainable development, a recommendation that the United Nations announced on December 2, 2021. Vietnam is also a founding member of the 2024-2034 Decade of Science recommendation to serve sustainable development that the United Nations  The United Nations announced on August 25. Vietnam's great successes in international integration in science also give us a practical responsibility, and this responsibility cannot be realized without the exchange and collaboration of parliamentarians,  parliament with leaders in each country. That is the vision and future path to have a sustainable development for our green earth, a path that the International Parliamentary Union and the ICISE Center will accompany and advance together. The ICISE Center will become an annual meeting point in the spirit of scientific diplomacy for parliamentarians of the countries of the World Parliamentary Union in the series of IPU conferences Science for Peace.”

Author: DHV

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