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Meeting to celebrate the 50th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Japan

  (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of September 16, in Quy Nhon city, the Vietnam - Japan Friendship Association of Binh Dinh province held a meeting to celebrate the 50th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Japan. Version (September 21, 1973 - September 21, 2023). Attending the meeting were comrades: Nguyen Thi Phong Vu - Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Committee, Chairman of the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee; Representatives of leaders of relevant departments, branches, localities, Binh Dinh and Japanese businesses.

 Scene of the meeting

 In the intimate atmosphere of the meeting, Mr. Phan Trong Ho - Chairman of the Vietnam - Japan Friendship Association of Binh Dinh province gave a speech reviewing the cooperation process between Binh Dinh province and Japan on the occasion of the event. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Japan. Along with the good development momentum of the two countries' relations, in recent years, generations of leaders of Binh Dinh province have attached great importance and have taken strong and specific steps to promote cooperation between the province and Japanese authorities, organizations, individuals, and businesses at all levels so that the two sides can truly become reliable and important partners of each other in accordance with the two countries' foreign policies and guidelines and in accordance with trends, needs of development.


Delegates attended the meeting

 Since 2013, Binh Dinh province has established a close relationship with Sakai city and Kansai region;  signed and implemented cooperation in many fields with the government of Izumisano city, Osaka prefecture since 2019. At the local level, a friendly and cooperative relationship has been established between Vinh Thanh district, Binh Dinh province and Yoshino town , Nara province and is promoting the establishment of friendly relations between Quy Nhon city and Ashikaga city, Tochigi province. Every year, the two sides regularly organize many delegations and business trips of all levels of government, organizations and businesses to continue promoting and deepening friendly relationships and improving cooperation effectiveness. in many areas.  Implementing the signed agreements, many very practical programs and projects have been implemented in Binh Dinh such as: Program to support and transfer technology and equipment for ocean tuna fishing;  Support for varieties and care techniques for Japanese cherry blossom trees; ODA projects funded by Japan in the fields of health and environment;... and to date, there have been 19 projects of Japanese investors and businesses being implemented in the province with a total registered capital. signed an investment of more than 97 million USD (accounting for 22% of the province's total FDI projects). Products and goods produced in Binh Dinh exported to the Japanese market are increasing; Investment projects and support programs of Japanese organizations, businesses and localities have been operating effectively, contributing to creating jobs, increasing income for workers and generally contributing to the economy. stability and development of Binh Dinh province.

 Mr. Phan Trong Ho, Chairman of the Vietnam - Japan Friendship Association of the province, spoke at the meeting

 The above results are vivid evidence of the increasingly strong and profound development of the friendly relationship between Vietnam and Japan in general and Japanese businesses and localities with Binh Dinh in particular. In the coming time, with its purpose and role, the Vietnam - Japan Friendship Association of Binh Dinh province will coordinate with related industries to support Japanese investors and businesses in finding opportunities. Sustainable investment in Binh Dinh and spreading success, sharing and promoting the business community in the province to develop in parallel. At the same time, it contributes to strengthening understanding between the people of Binh Dinh and Japanese localities, consolidating and developing friendly relations and friendly cooperation in many aspects between Vietnam and Japan../.

Author: DHV

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