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The 7th Congress of Binh Dinh Construction Association

  (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of September 16, Binh Dinh Construction Association held its 7th Congress, term 2023-2028, with the participation of 120 delegates representing 209 members of 25 branches. under.

 Attending the Congress were comrades: Dr. Dang Viet Dung - Chairman of the Vietnam Construction Association; Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh - President of the Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations.


 View of the Congress

 According to the report at the Congress, during the past term, the Binh Dinh Construction Association organized and completed the tasks set out in the Resolution of the 6th Congress. The Association has done well in consulting and social criticism; Participate in criticism of draft regulations on mechanisms to support investment projects to build social housing in the province; provide comments on the draft amendments to the Land Law; Regimes and policies related to construction activities of the province and the Central Government; Participate in discussions on management and improving the quality of construction projects in the province; Participate in critical consultation and social assessment meetings organized by the Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations. In addition, the Association has regularly grasped the situation of difficulties and problems of member associations engaged in construction activities; propose solutions to overcome and remove difficulties and obstacles in construction investment costs...; Make recommendations to competent state agencies for timely resolution and support for businesses, organizations and individuals engaged in construction activities in the province. In addition, the Association also organizes seminars and topical talks to help the construction management team and members improve their capacity and knowledge to better serve their professional tasks in the field of construction activities.

 The Executive Committee of Binh Dinh Construction Association, term VII, accepted the task.

 The Congress voted unanimously to approve the Personnel Project to elect the Executive Committee and Inspection Committee for the 7th term (2023-2028). Accordingly, the Association's Executive Committee includes 21 members, and the Inspection Committee includes 3 members.

 At the first meeting, the Executive Committee of the Construction Association elected a Standing Committee consisting of 7 members. Mr. Tran Viet Bao - Director of the Department of Construction was elected to hold the position of Chairman of the Binh Dinh Construction Association, term VII, term 2023-2028.

 Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang spoke at the General Assembly

On behalf of the leaders of the Provincial People's Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang acknowledged and highly appreciated the results that the Construction Association has achieved in the past term. In the next term, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang requested the Construction Association to better perform the functions of consulting, criticism, and social assessment on construction; Actively contribute and participate in the development of guidelines, policies, laws, legal documents as well as plans and projects related to the construction industry, actively contributing to the development development of the province in general and the construction industry in particular. Continue to strengthen and strongly develop the organization and members, innovate the Association's operating methods in a dynamic, creative, practical, effective and sustainable direction. Proactively propose policies and measures to improve the efficiency of organizing and implementing scientific research projects, establishing projects to apply research results in the field of construction to production and life, especially issues that are of concern to society such as traffic congestion, technical infrastructure, flooding, real estate market, social housing, worker housing in industrial zones,...

 Regarding relevant agencies, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang requested the Department of Construction and specialized departments, investors to pay more attention in consulting and getting professional opinions from the Construction Association. during the process of project planning, design and construction; Take advantage of the Construction Association's input to develop guidelines, policies, and manage construction activities in the locality.

 Speaking at the Congress, Dr. Dang Viet Dung - Chairman of the Vietnam Construction Association congratulated the results and achievements in organization and activities that the Construction Association has achieved in the past term. In the new term, the Chairman of the Vietnam Construction Association asked the Binh Dinh Construction Association to promote the results achieved, innovate the Association's operating methods, and strengthen its role as a "bridge" between the government with businesses, promote membership attraction, take advantage of the attention and create conditions for leaders of the Provincial People's Committee and leaders of the Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations.

 The Chairman of the Vietnam Construction Association also requested that, after the Congress, the Construction Association urgently develop an action program, full-term plan and annual plan to deploy and complete the tasks set out in the Resolution of the 1st Congress. VII proposed.

 On this occasion, the Vietnam Construction Association awarded Certificates of Merit to 5 collectives and 6 individuals; The Provincial People's Committee awarded Certificates of Merit to 2 collectives and 2 individuals with outstanding achievements in association activities./.

Dr. Dang Viet Dung - Chairman of the Vietnam Construction Association (3rd, from left) awarded the Vietnam Construction Association Certificate of Merit to groups and individuals.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh - Chairwoman of the Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations (middle) awarded Certificates of Merit to individuals.

Author: DHV

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