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Leaders of the Provincial People's Committee worked with the working delegation of UNDP and VNMAC

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of September 18, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang worked with a delegation of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Vietnam National Mine Action Center. (VNMAC) on surveying and developing documents to implement the project "Mine Action for Hoa Binh Village Vietnam - Korea".

 View of the working session

 Based on the results of implementing the project "Vietnam - Korea cooperation to overcome post-war mine consequences" (KV-MAP) - phase 1, the Korean Government has decided to sponsor 3 provinces of the Republic of Korea. Vietnam includes: Thua Thien Hue, Quang Ngai and Binh Dinh implementing the "Vietnam - Korea Peace Village" Project (KVPVP) - phase 2.

 At the meeting, the Provincial Military Command said: The feasibility study report of the project "Vietnam - Korea Peace Village in Binh Dinh province" was approved by the Provincial People's Committee on August 31, 2023. The project is funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) through UNDP, with a total investment of over 4.2 million USD, equivalent to 97,720 billion VND.  The project will be implemented in 20 communes in 06 districts and towns of Binh Dinh province including: An Lao, Hoai Nhon, Hoai An, Tay Son, Tuy Phuoc, Van Canh.

 The overall objective of the project is to empower local communities of Binh Dinh province to develop harmonious, safe, resilient and prosperous rural communities through improved access Land has been cleared of mines, capacity building and livelihood development.


 Mr. Kwon Goosoon - UNDP Mine Action Chief Advisor (left) discusses issues related to surveying and collecting data locally.

 Mr. Kwon Goosoon - UNDP's Chief Mine Action Advisor said: During this mission, the delegation will survey a number of areas that need to be cleared of mines and bombs in 06 districts and towns under the project. Mr. Kwon Goosoon requested that the Provincial People's Committee pay attention, create conditions, and closely coordinate during the process of UNDP conducting surveys and collecting data locally.

 In addition, in order for the project to be implemented on schedule, Mr. Kwon Goosoon proposed that Binh Dinh province establish a Steering Committee for project implementation; Participate in training conferences to improve project management and coordination capacity organized by UNDP; The governing agency and relevant departments and agencies of the province pay attention, create conditions, cooperate and consult closely with UNDP during project implementation.

 Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang highly appreciated the significance of the Vietnam - Korea Peace Village project.

 Speaking at the meeting, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang assessed that the proposed contents of the Vietnam - Korea Peace Village Project in Binh Dinh province are appropriate to the actual situation, towards the goal  sustainable development goals, hunger eradication and poverty reduction, and gradually improve the quality of life for people in rural areas.

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang requested that UNDP provide the province with technical support and orientation to resolve a number of complex issues that arise during project implementation; At the same time, organize training classes to improve project management capacity of Project Management Board members.

 Agreeing with the request of the working group, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee assigned the Department of Planning and Investment to coordinate with departments and branches to establish a Steering Committee for project implementation, assigning specific responsibilities to each member.  and responsibilities of relevant parties;  Develop a specific plan for project implementation, closely following the approved schedule.

 Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang pledged to closely coordinate and create favorable conditions for UNDP, as well as allocate adequate human resources and funding to successfully implement this project./.

Author: DHV

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