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The conference quickly announced the results of the 8th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of October 18, at the Provincial Party Committee Hall, comrade Ho Quoc Dung - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council quickly announced the results of the 8th Conference, Central Party Executive Committee (term XIII).

 Attending the Conference were comrades: Le Kim Toan, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation; Pham Anh Tuan, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; comrades in the Provincial Party Standing Committee;  Member of the Provincial Party Executive Committee;  former provincial leaders; leaders of departments, divisions and branches; committees of the Provincial People's Council;  Vietnam Fatherland Front province; socio-political organizations; Central agencies located in the province; Standing member of District Party Committee, Town Party Committee, City Party Committee and Party Committee under the Provincial Party Committee.

 At the Conference, Comrade Ho Quoc Dung - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council announced: The 8th Conference of the Party Central Committee (term XIII) met from October 2 to October 8. October 2023, many very basic and important decisions have been passed.


 Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung quickly announced the results of the 8th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee

 The 8th Central Conference gave opinions on the following contents: Report on the socio-economic situation, state budget in 2023, plan for 2024;  State budget and financial plan for 3 years 2024 - 2026 and roadmap for implementing the new salary regime; Summarizing 10 years of implementing Resolution No. 15 of the 5th Plenum of the 11th Central Committee on a number of social policy issues in the period 2012 - 2020; Summarizing 15 years of implementing Resolution No. 27 of the 10th Central Executive Committee on building a team of intellectuals in the period of promoting industrialization and modernization of the country; Summarizing 20 years of implementing Resolution No. 23 of the 9th Central Executive Committee on promoting the strength of great national unity for rich people, strong country, fair, democratic and civilized society; Summarizing 10 years of implementing Resolution 8 of the 11th Central Committee on the Strategy to protect the Fatherland in the new situation; Planning for the 14th Central Executive Committee, term 2026 - 2031; establish subcommittees to prepare for the 14th Party Congress; Report on the important tasks the Politburo has resolved from the mid-term Central Conference to the 8th Central Conference and a number of key tasks until the 9th Central Conference, term XIII;  Report on party financial work in 2022.

Comrade Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung stated clearly that the Central Committee believes that the world economy in particular and the international situation in general may continue to develop in a complicated and unpredictable manner. In the country, besides opportunities and advantages, there are still many limitations, weaknesses and many great difficulties and challenges. Therefore, in the remaining months of 2023 and 2024, the whole country needs to continue to drastically and effectively implement the guidelines, policies, goals and tasks concluded by the Central Government. Accordingly, the country's 2024 goal is to maintain macroeconomic stability, continue to promote growth associated with consolidating and controlling inflation, and ensuring major balances of the economy; creating more substantive changes in strategic breakthroughs, restructuring the economy associated with innovating growth models, improving productivity, quality, efficiency, competitiveness and endogenous capacity of the economy international. Accelerate the implementation of strategic, key, and important national infrastructure projects. Promote administrative reform and improve the business environment; Sustainable, safe and healthy development of all types of markets. Pay attention to comprehensive and synchronous development of cultural fields;  Focus on ensuring social security and improving the material and spiritual life of the people. Strictly manage and effectively use land and resources, proactively prevent and combat natural disasters and respond to climate change. Continue to improve and build a streamlined apparatus that operates effectively and efficiently, streamlines staffing and restructures the team of civil servants and public employees. Drastically prevent and combat corruption, negativity and waste. Consolidate and strengthen national defense and security;  ensure social order and safety; improve the effectiveness of foreign affairs and international integration; Do a good job of information, propaganda, and creating social consensus; maintain a peaceful and stable environment and create favorable conditions for national development. In 2024, strive for a GDP growth rate of 6 - 6.5% and an average consumer price index growth rate of about 4 - 4.5%; State budget revenue estimates are expected to increase by about 2% compared to 2023 to prioritize increasing development investment spending of the central and local budgets.

 The Central Executive Committee unanimously agreed to issue a Resolution on continuing to innovate and improve the quality of social policies, meeting the requirements of building and protecting the Fatherland in the new period with many inherited contents, important innovations, supplements, and developments compared to the 5th Central Resolution, term XI.  The new resolution has expanded to all social policies, focusing on innovation and improving the quality of social policies to meet the requirements of building and protecting the Fatherland until 2030, with a vision to 2045.  The approach was also adjusted, from security and stability to stability and development; associated with sustainable social development management, improving social welfare of all people, ensuring social security, human security, and social security. This conference has supplemented, developed, and clarified new perceptions in the context of new situations and new task requirements.

The Central Committee also highly agreed that it is necessary to continue to promote the tradition of great national unity, create social consensus, and strongly arouse the spirit of patriotism, self-reliance, self-reliance, and national pride, belief, desire to contribute, contribute to successfully implementing the goal of 2030 Vietnam is a developing country, with modern industry, high average income; By 2045, it will become a developed, high-income country with socialist orientation. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement and improve laws and policies in line with the new situation to better promote the strength of all classes of people, arousing the will and aspirations for development of the entire nation . Continue to build and rectify the Party and political system to be truly clean, strong and comprehensive; Maintain the Party's pioneering and leading role in building and promoting the tradition of great national unity. Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the State's activities in building and implementing national solidarity policies; promoting socialist democracy, implementing democratization of social life, taking people as the center, the subject, the main resource, driving force, and the goal of national unity. Continue to innovate the content and operating methods of the Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, and mass associations in a creative direction, truly representing the legitimate rights and interests of the people...

 Conference scene

 The conference unanimously agreed to issue a new resolution of the Central Government on continuing to build the country's intellectual team, fostering a stronger national spirit, and meeting the requirements of proactively and actively participating in the industrial revolution. Fourth industrialization, promoting the cause of innovation, industrialization, modernization of the country and cultural revival, building Vietnamese people in the new era... Accordingly, it is necessary to focus on prioritizing the construction, perfect institutions and policies for synchronous and comprehensive development of science - technology, culture, literature and art associated with promoting the role of intellectuals. Urgently develop, promulgate and organize the good implementation of appropriate policies and measures to innovate and further improve the quality of leadership and develop the intellectual team. Create fundamental changes in training and fostering intellectuals; develop, attract, reward and honor intellectuals. Create a favorable environment and conditions for intellectuals to start businesses and work creatively, promoting the talents and intelligence of collective and individual scientists. Promote the mobilization and diversification of investment resources for building and developing the intellectual team; promote responsibility, increase the initiative and positivity of the intellectual team itself, consolidate and improve the quality of activities of professional associations among the intellectual team...

Comrade Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung said that at this conference, the Central Committee continues to emphasize the issue of ensuring the highest national interests on the basis of the basic principles of the United Nations Charter, international law, equality, cooperation, mutual benefit. The Central Government requires focusing on prioritizing the successful and synchronous implementation of political tasks: Socio-economic development is the center;  Party building is key;  Cultural development is the spiritual foundation; Ensuring national defense and security is important and constant. Firmly pursue the goal of national independence and socialism; resolute, persistent, proactive in creating opportunities, firmly protecting independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity; maintain a peaceful, stable environment and favorable conditions for building and developing the country. Closely combine the two strategic tasks of building and protecting the Fatherland.  Increase appropriate investment in building national defense, people's security, and people's armed forces, meeting the requirements of protecting the Fatherland early, from afar, absolutely not being passive or surprised. in all situations.  Combining national strength with the strength of the times; Proactively and actively integrate and improve the effectiveness of international cooperation.

 During the process of quickly reporting the results of the 8th Central Conference (term XIII), Provincial Party Secretary Ho Quoc Dung related the practical situation, linking the contents of the Conference with the specific situation in our province, especially the situation of socio-economic development, budget revenue, and disbursement of public investment capital; the province's important position in regional connectivity... Comrade Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee requested delegates attending the conference to firmly grasp the spirit and core contents of the 8th Central Conference to promptly inform and thoroughly grasp  to all officials, party members and people throughout the province.


Author: DHV

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