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Provincial leaders inspected and surveyed along National Highway 19 to consider developing industrial zones and clusters

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of October 17, comrade Ho Quoc Dung - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Pham Anh Tuan - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee organized a working group to inspect and survey along National Highway 19 to consider developing industrial zones and clusters. Accompanied by leaders of functional departments and branches of the province; Office of the Provincial People's Committee and leaders of the People's Committee of Tay Son district.

 The delegation surveyed the connection from the southern bypass of Phu Phong town with the route to Becamex Vsip Industrial Park, Tay Son district

 The working group surveyed points along the southern bypass of National Highway 19, including: Checking the connection from the southern bypass of Phu Phong town with the route to Becamex Vsip Industrial Park in Tay Son district; Check the land fund along the southern bypass route of Phu Phong town for economic development after the route is put into use; Check the connection route from Phu Phong Dam to National Highway 19B.

 The bypass route south of Phu Phong town

 Phu Phong Surge Dam Project

 Through field inspection and survey, the provincial leaders directed and assigned the Department of Construction, related branches and Tay Son district People's Committee to review and supplement land funds to develop vertical industrial production. Southern Phu Phong bypass road, included in the provincial planning for the period 2021 - 2030 and vision to 2050 as a basis for implementation. The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development reviews the planning of 3 types of forests to remove them from the planning and convert forest purposes, if any, to serve industrial development in the area in the near future.

 The working group surveyed the connecting route from Phu Phong Dam to National Highway 19B

 Check Phu Phong dam, connecting road from Phu Phong dam to National Highway 19B.  In the field, Mr. Ho Quoc Dung - Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee directed the People's Committee of Tay Son district to urgently organize dredging of the Kon river bed, combined with evaluating sand exploitation according to regulations, contributing to ensuring the flow of sand, clear flow, must be completed before closing the dam; assign the District People's Committee to organize planning, effectively exploit the land fund along the route and research investment to build the remaining connection route connecting National Highway 19 with the southern bypass of the district.

 The road connecting Phu Phong Dam to National Highway 19B is under construction

Author: DHV

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