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Mobilize 22,000 voluntary blood donors in 2024

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - That is the target set out in the Plan to mobilize voluntary blood donation to save lives in Binh Dinh province in 2024 recently issued by the Provincial People's Committee.

 Illustration photo (Source: TTXVN)

 According to the plan, in 2024, mobilize 22,000 voluntary blood donors from the following agencies, units and localities: 11 districts, towns and cities in the province; Provincial Labor Confederation; Group delegation of provincial agencies; Provincial Business Delegation; Quy Nhon University; Quy Nhon College of Engineering and Technology; Binh Dinh Medical College; Central Vocational College of Construction - Electrical Engineering & Agriculture and Forestry; Club 25 – Provincial Red Cross Association; Air Force Regiment 925; Binh Dinh Provincial Police; Health Sector of Binh Dinh province; Mobile Police Regiment (E23); Central hospitals in Quy Nhon; agencies, businesses, units, Red Journeys and unexpected HMTN. Besides, the number of people in the HMTN team is 2,050 people.

 The Provincial Red Cross Society (Standing Agency of the Provincial Steering Committee for the Promotion of Youth Charity) is responsible for presiding over and coordinating with relevant units and localities to strengthen propaganda work on the mobilization of charity, its necessity and significance. The beauty of volunteering blood to save sick people; Diversify blood donors in all walks of life, civil servants, public employees, businesses, workers... take measures to overcome ischemia during holidays, Tet, summer, and during natural disasters, prolonged floods... in order to provide adequate blood for emergency work and treatment of patients in the province. In addition, direct the Steering Committee for Youth Mobilization of districts, towns and cities to organize concentrated campaigns for youth mobilization according to the time of the Provincial Steering Committee for Youth Mobilization and divide it into each cluster of communes, wards and towns to HMTN work is effective; Mobilize blood donors to increase blood volume from 250ml to 350ml, 450ml, and donate apheresis platelets; strive to bring the proportion of blood transfusions with a volume of 350ml to 30% of the total amount of blood collected during the year of each unit.  Direct the Steering Committee of the Youth Youth Union of districts, towns, cities and HMTN units to focus on organizing activities in response to "Spring Hong Festival", "Day of all people donating blood voluntarily", "World Day of Respecting the World". honoring blood donors", "Summer's Red Drops of Blood", "Red Journey"... in 2024. Providing documents, leaflets, posters... organizing training classes for the Blood Donor Advocacy Steering Committee at all levels, associations and organizations on knowledge and skills to propagate and advocate for human rights; Organize an annual conference to honor HMTN.

 The Department of Health directs the Provincial General Hospital to implement techniques and safely receive blood sources; Management and use of blood resources from voluntary blood donation for the right purposes and regulations of the State; Direct the Medical Centers and Regional Hospitals of districts, towns and cities to send medical forces and doctors to join the medical forces, doctors and technicians of the Provincial General Hospital in organizing HMTN events. gather in your localities and issue documents directing the Medical Centers of districts, towns and cities to send officials and employees to participate in blood donation, gathering according to the blood donation schedule of the Steering Committee for Blood Donation of districts and towns, communes and cities; Implement policies for HMTN people according to Official No. 98/CV-BCĐQG.

The Provincial People's Committee requested the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of the province and the Vietnam Youth Union of the province to direct the affiliated Union and Association establishments; Union and Association of the Armed Forces; Districts, towns and cities coordinated with the Health sector and the Red Cross to organize voluntary blood donation to save lives with good results.

 The Provincial People's Committee requests that the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, the Provincial Labor Confederation, the Provincial Farmers' Association, the Provincial Women's Union and relevant departments, branches and organizations have written directives according to vertical and horizontal sectors. Include annual emulation evaluation criteria to diversify blood donation participants.

 Members of the Provincial Youth Mobilization Steering Committee proactively implemented the plan within their organizational system, actively responded and participated in voluntarily donating blood to save lives.

 Encourage units to organize centralized blood donation, in addition to the assigned plan, to increase the number of blood donation sessions and organize blood donation on days of the administrative work week and unexpectedly when needing to mobilize blood resources in  emergency situation./.


Author: DHV

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