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Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan attended the Great National Solidarity Festival at Ta Diek village, Vinh Hao commune, Vinh Thanh district

 (binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the occasion of the 93rd anniversary of the traditional day of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (November 18, 1930 - November 18, 2023) - Great National Solidarity Festival, on the morning of November 3, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan attended the Great National Solidarity Festival at the provincial level at Ta Diek village, Vinh Hao commune, Vinh Thanh district.

Attending the festival were comrade Nguyen Thi Phong Vu - Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Committee, Chairman of the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee; leaders of the Provincial Party Committee Office, Provincial People's Committee Office, Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, Department of Culture and Sports; leaders of the District Party Committee, People's Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Vinh Thanh district, Vinh Hao commune, and a large number of people in Ta Diek village.


Delegates who are village elders, village heads, and reputable people shake hands to welcome Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee 

Pham Anh Tuan

 At the festival, delegates and people reviewed the 93-year history of construction and growth of the Vietnam Fatherland Front; Reassess the implementation of patriotic campaigns and emulation movements and launch emulation movements in residential areas.

 Ta Diek village is a particularly difficult village of Vinh Hao commune. Currently, the village has two ethnic groups Kinh and Bana living with 63 party members, 110 households/410 people, 16 poor households accounting for 14.5%. In recent years, the Village Front Working Committee has regularly coordinated propaganda and mobilized people to actively develop the economy and reduce poverty sustainably;  Guide people to boldly apply scientific and technical advances to production, associated with the conversion of crop and livestock structures to suit local conditions.


 Delegates attending the Festival

 From 2023 up to now, implementing the movement "All people unite to build a cultural life", 100% of households have registered to implement cultural families, through evaluation, 100% of households have achieved cultural families; including 85 excellent cultural households, accounting for 82.5%. At the same time, in patriotic emulation movements, cultural and sports campaigns and movements are regularly deployed, attracting a large number of people to participate.  People in the village always unite, help and support each other in all activities, promoting the tradition of "Drinking water, remember the source" and "Repaying gratitude". The political security situation and social order and safety are maintained.


Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan spoke at the Festival

 Speaking at the Festival, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan expressed his joy and excitement when seeing the material and spiritual life of people in villages and communes constantly improving.  He acknowledged and appreciated the results that Ta Diek village, as well as the Party Committee, government and people of Vinh Hao commune, achieved over the past time.

 According to a report from Ta Diek village, there are currently 16 poor households in the area, of which 13 households are alone, old and weak and no longer able to work. Thereby, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee proposed that in the immediate future, the People's Committee of Vinh Thanh district needs to consider and classify each specific case, thereby finding solutions to support the people. If people do not have jobs or means of production, the district can consider providing production land, vocational training, and introducing jobs for people to have a stable income.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan presented gifts, televisions and audio sets to Ta Diek village

 Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan said: "To help people escape poverty, the District People's Committee needs to carefully classify each case of poor households as local people and propose a sustainable solution. In addition, the province will also join hands with the locality to have vocational training programs for people, this is a fundamental, long-term solution to help people escape poverty sustainably."

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan gave gifts to the people

 On the other hand, Mr. Pham Anh Tuan also said that, with the scale of the province's economic development in the coming period, there will not be enough labor force and certainly Binh Dinh province must call for more workers from other provinces, another city to work. According to the policy from next year, the provincial budget will be allocated to the province's vocational training establishments to train a skilled and job-savvy workforce; After that, recruit into businesses and production units in the province. Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee said: "For ethnic minorities, the province is having a free vocational training plan. At the same time, we will propose support plans for both people and workers in terms of food and accommodation during vocational training.  After completing the training, the province also orients and introduces jobs for people and workers to work in production units and businesses, thereby creating a stable source of income and taking the best care of them. families, sustainable poverty reduction".

Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province Nguyen Thi Phong Vu presented certificates of merit and gifts to the Ta Diek Village Front Working Committee

 At the Festival, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan also reminded that in the coming time, people need to increase care for production, economic development, apply scientific and technical achievements to production, livestock farming, through the guidance of agencies and units. People also need to protect forests and maintain environmental hygiene, classifying waste at source. Strengthen solidarity, help each other, maintain security and order, and participate in building and giving suggestions to the government. In addition, the People's Committee of Vinh Thanh district also needs to receive, listen and promptly resolve people's recommendations, avoiding the situation where the accumulated recommendations gradually turn into conflicts within the people and the locality.  In particular, we must effectively implement democratic regulations at the grassroots and put the people at the center.


Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan and Chairman of the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee 

Nguyen Thi Phong Vu presented certificates of merit and the National flag to the Ta Diek Village Front Working Committee

 On this occasion, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan donated 1 television, 1 audio set and gifts to Ta Diek village. The Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee awarded Certificates of Merit and gifts to Ta Diek village;  donated 2 Great Solidarity houses, each worth 50 million VND; donated 200 national flags; donated 105 gifts, each worth 800 thousand VND to 105 poor households in difficult circumstances. The Provincial Party Committee Office and the Department of Culture and Sports presented gifts to the village.


Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan and Chairman of the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee

 Nguyen Thi Phong Vu presented gifts to the people

 According to the Festival Program, leaders of the province, district and people of Ta Diek village organized planting trees at the campus of the village cultural house; and rejoice with the people during the Festival.

 Leaders of the province and Vinh Thanh district planted trees at the campus of Ta Diek village cultural house

 The leaders of the province and Vinh Thanh district participated in the festival with the people of Ta Diek village

Author: DHV

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