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Hoai Nhon must shape up its planning and investment work to become a growth pole in the North of the province

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of January 13, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan and Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh and Lam Hai Giang chaired a working session with the People's Committee of Hoai Nhon town on economic results -  Society in 2023 and key tasks and solutions in 2024. Attending the meeting were comrade Nguyen Gio, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Organization Committee; Representatives of relevant departments and branches.

Delegates attending the meeting listened to the leaders of Hoai Nhon town announcing the socio-economic results of 2023 and implementing tasks for 2024.

 In 2024, Hoai Nhon town develops a plan with the growth rate of product value increasing by 7.80% over the same period. Regarding industry - construction, the town strives to have 8 projects put into operation this year with an average annual revenue of more than 2,864 billion VND. The locality implements procedures for investment in Hoai My Industrial Park and Hoai Nhon Port projects; Developing the Tam Quan Fishery Logistics Service Area, attracting investment in seafood processing projects to promote the strengths of seafood. On the basis of promoting investment in synchronous infrastructure, the town accelerates the pace of urbanization to improve and overcome the low standards of Hoai Nhon urban area according to class III urban criteria. The town will also call for investment in building supermarkets and shopping centers; new urban areas, deploying night-time economic development according to the Government's policy and direction of the Provincial People's Committee...

 At the meeting, delegates highly appreciated Hoai Nhon town's determination in building a 2024 plan with many targets higher than the provincial level;  especially assigned very specifically to departments, divisions, communes and wards. At the same time, it is suggested that, with advantages in many aspects, Hoai Nhon restores and promotes coconut products, traditional craft villages and OCOP products associated with the development of e-commerce, building a model NTM commune, exploit ecotourism potential.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan gave instructions at the working session.

Concluding the meeting, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan emphasized: Hoai Nhon Town must be shaped in planning and investment to become the northern growth pole of the province in terms of economy, culture and society. The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested the town leaders to focus on building the Tam Quan Fishery Logistics Service Area to become a national-class fisheries logistics center, developing the offshore fishing fleet in the direction of increasing quality. At the same time, testing marine farming, ensuring raw materials for seafood processing factories in the area.  Besides, the town needs to pay special attention to investing in the Hoai My Industrial Park project and Hoai Nhon Port; taking advantage of capital from the French Development Agency (AFD) to invest in a wastewater treatment plant; Continue to complete transportation infrastructure, planning, and form new urban areas with a modern and far-sighted vision so as not to become outdated when Hoai Nhon becomes a city in the near future.

 The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also requested Hoai Nhon town to promote digital transformation, focusing on building smart urban areas; ensure social security; environmental protection management, especially the marine environment; land management, mineral  resources… Resolve the fundamentals of social order and safety, traffic safety…

 The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee praised the high sense of responsibility of the Party Committee and town authorities, and the strong participation of the entire political system in organizing the implementation of socio-economic development tasks last year and achieving results, positive results, as well as setting out key targets and solutions for 2024 that are feasible. The Provincial People's Committee believes that the town will successfully implement this year's socio-economic development plan, building Hoai Nhon to become a growth pole in the North of the province./.

Author: DHV

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