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Press conference on socio-economic situation in 2023 and meeting with press agencies on the occasion of the Year of the Dragon 2024

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the afternoon of January 9, the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province held a press conference on the socio-economic situation in 2023 and met with press agencies. on the occasion of the Spring of the Dragon 2024. Mr. Le Kim Toan, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation chaired the press conference.

Attending the press conference were comrade Nguyen Thi Phong Vu, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Committee, Chairman of the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee; Huynh Thuy Van, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Lam Hai Giang, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Nguyen Tu Cong Hoang, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Representatives of leaders of the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department, Provincial Party Committee Office, Office of the National Assembly Delegation & Provincial People's Council, Office of the Provincial People's Committee; Representatives of leaders of functional departments and branches of the province, central and local press agencies.


Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang informed the socio-economic situation in 2023 to press agencies

 At the press conference, the Provincial People's Committee informed central and local press agencies about the results of socio-economic development in 2023 in the province. Although continuing to face many difficulties and challenges, party committees, authorities, localities, agencies and units in the province have united and acted decisively, scientifically, effectively and proactively. extreme innovation and creativity in the spirit of "leading by example, discipline, focus, breakthrough"; Thanks to that, all year, Binh Dinh has achieved and exceeded the main targets on socio-economic development. Of which, gross local product (GRDP) increased by 7.61%, exceeding the plan assigned by the Provincial People's Council; and ranked 17/63 localities nationwide, 6/14 localities in the North Central and Central Coast regions and 1/5 localities in the Central key economic region. The province's economic scale ranks 24/63 localities in the country, 5th/14 localities in the North Central and Central Coast regions and 3rd/5 localities in the Central key economic region.  Economic restructuring in the right direction, reducing the agricultural, forestry and fishery sectors and increasing the industrial - construction and service sectors.  In particular, the Prime Minister has approved the Provincial Planning for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050; and the Ministry of Transport has approved the Phu Cat Airport Planning for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050.


Scene of the meeting

 The Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department also announced the direction, orientation, and state management of the press and press activities in the province in 2023. Currently, in addition to the three provincial press agencies, over The province also has 53 central press agencies and industry newspapers, with more than 80 active reporters and journalists. In the past year, press agencies continued to innovate and improve the quality of programs, newsletters, specialized pages, columns, and journalistic products in a professional, highly interactive direction, basically meeting the needs of the media. satisfy the information needs of audiences, listeners, and readers; Publishing special issues and special publications to celebrate major holidays, Tet, and important historical events of the country and province, which are well received by audiences and readers. Press agencies continue to apply technology and carry out digital transformation to improve the quality of content and format. The quality of radio and television programs has been improved, many newsletters, live radio and television programs have been conducted, and new programs, topics, and categories have been developed to meet the requirements of information tasks, propagate from time to time. In general, press agencies have seriously implemented the leadership, direction, and information orientation of the Party, State, party committees, and authorities; closely follow the province's political tasks and the goal of maintaining socio-political stability.

 At the press conference, representatives of press agencies thanked the provincial leaders for creating favorable conditions for press activities in the past year; helps press agencies proactively and promptly orient and guide social information, especially in the face of important political events, complicated cases, and public opinion concerns. At the same time, press agencies are also interested in learning more about promotion work to attract investment into the province in 2023, especially attracting foreign investment projects; on policy communication related to some key tasks of the province; on taking care of the 2024 Giap Thin Tet holiday for vulnerable people;  on ensuring order and safety during Tet;  about Binh Dinh's poverty reduction work in the context of the province's economic development and improved position in the key economic region of the Central region...

Provincial leaders and leaders of some departments and branches of the province participating in the press conference responded to a number of topics of interest to the press;  said that Binh Dinh province always pays special attention to poverty reduction for people in a sustainable way, striving to achieve the set goal that the province's multidimensional poverty rate by 2025 must be lower than the multidimensional poverty rate. average of the whole country. In the immediate future, during the Lunar New Year Giap Thin 2024, the province has directed departments, branches and localities to focus on taking care of the poor and vulnerable groups, everyone must have a prosperous Tet; and the work of ensuring order and safety during Tet must be strengthened so that people can enjoy Tet safely. At the same time, to exploit and promote the potential advantages of Binh Dinh, the province has been focusing on attracting domestic and foreign investment, with the most convincing evidence being that there have been 45 more businesses investing in Binh Dinh. total registered capital of 342,952 billion VND at the recent Provincial Planning Announcement Ceremony....

Speaking at the press conference and meeting with press agencies on the occasion of the beginning of the Year of the Dragon 2024, comrade Le Kim Toan - Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly delegation thanked the press agencies  has accompanied Binh Dinh in the past year, making an important contribution to socio-economic development and improving people's lives in the province.  Many news articles from press agencies have great encouragement for officials and people throughout the province;  At the same time, there have also been articles with frank comments, helping all levels, sectors and localities see the limitations to overcome.


Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Le Kim Toan spoke at the meeting

 The Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee also shared with press agencies and journalists about Binh Dinh's difficulties in leadership, management, and administration in implementing the goals and tasks of the Provincial Party Committee. local;  From there, we request press agencies to continue accompanying the province;  Support and contribute in a constructive spirit to the province's policies and solutions in the new year 2024. The entire Provincial Party Committee will promote studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style for 2 years 2024 - 2025, associated with patriotic emulation movements. Comrade Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee wants press agencies to focus on propagating the study and following of Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style in the 2 years 2024 - 2025, associated with competition movements.  patriotic race of Binh Dinh province;  spread advanced examples, new models, new factors in studying and following Uncle Ho; encourage people from all walks of life throughout the province.

 Comrade Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee wishes leaders of press agencies and journalists a happy New Year of the Dragon 2024, excellent completion of tasks in propaganda work, and more active contributions to the development socio-economic development, strengthening national defense and security, building a clean and strong political system in Binh Dinh./.

Author: DHV

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