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The Committee for Ethnic Minorities and Asian Development Bank worked in the province

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of March 5, 2019, the delegation of Committee for Ethnic Minorities and Asian Development Bank (ADB) had a meeting with Binh Dinh leader regarding the preparation for launching the project “Building the infrastructure to adapt with climate change for ethnic minorities” (in short: CRIEM Project) in Binh Dinh Province. Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Tran Chau and representatives of related departments, agencies, including: Department of Planning and Investment, Department of Finance, Department of Transport and Department of Natural Resources and Environment worked with the delegation.

At the meeting, the two sides discussed the project preparation, the main activities of project initial phases and the project outputs. At the request of the delegation, the province provided information on the overall of provincial socio-economic development, the population and the lives of ethnic minorities in the province.

The province proposed to approve the list of 6 sub-projects, including: Repairing and upgrading Vinh Thanh inter-district traffic route, connecting the National Highway 19 and KBang district in Gia Lai Province and connecting with Bok To Commune - Suoi Tem Bridge, Hoai An District; Repairing and upgrading the inter-commune routes of Canh Vinh - Canh Hien - Canh Hiep - Canh Lien to serve ethnic minorities in Van Canh District; Repairing and upgrading inter-commune traffic routes to serve ethnic minorities in An Lao District; Repairing and upgrading inter-commune traffic routes of Vinh An - Binh Tuong - Tay Phu connecting with the National Highway 19, Tay Son District; Constructing clean water supply works for ethnic minorities in An Lao District; Constructing clean water supply works for ethnic minorities in Vinh Thanh District. The total estimated budget for implementing the sub-projects is about USD 28 million.

The delegation of the Committee for Ethnic Minorities and ADB requested Binh Dinh Province to pay attention to arrange experts to coordinate surveys, consultations and committed accompanying with the province in the process of preparing, implementing the projects, bringing the fastest and most practical benefits for ethnic minorities in the province.

Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Tran Chau expressed his thanks to the Committee for Ethnic Minorities and ADB for helping Binh Dinh approach the CRIEM Project. In order to implement the Project soon, Mr. Tran Chau requested the Committee for Ethnic Minorities and ADB to set criteria that are suitable for the provincial conditions and would not change during the process. On that basis, the province would assign localities to propose works that are in line with the criteria, controlled by ADB and the Committee for Ethnic Minorities.

Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Tran Chau committed actively supporting the mission to survey and implement the project to achieve the highest results; at the same time, he hoped that the donor would increase the funding as well as support for the Project to be implemented soon.

CRIEM project that uses ODA capital, preferential loans from ADB, will be implemented in Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh, Phu Yen and Khanh Hoa and the project focuses on investing for ethnic minorities. Especially, Binh Dinh is the province selected by ADB to implement 2 sample sub-projects, which will be approved for all sub-projects of 5 provinces. When completed, the project will create a boost in socio-economic development and develop traditional villages, tourism and culture of ethnic minority areas in the project-based localities.


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