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Conference on Strategy for Development of Artificial Intelligence, Semiconductors and Cyber Security

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of August 18, at the Provincial Conference Center, the Provincial People's Committee coordinated with FPT Group to organize the Conference on Strategy for Development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Semiconductors and Cyber ​​Security. The conference was held in person and online to 170 points at the People's Committees at district and commune levels.

Attending the conference were comrades: Ho Quoc Dung - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Pham Anh Tuan - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee; Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council, Vietnam Fatherland Front, National Assembly Delegation; representatives of leaders of departments, branches, branches, Standing Committees of district Party Committees, town Party Committees, city Party Committees, leaders of People's Committees of districts, towns and cities.

Attending the conference were comrades: Bui Hoang Phuong - Deputy Minister of Information and Communications;  Dr. Tran Du Lich, Member of the National Monetary Policy Advisory Council; Pham Thi Ngoc Thuy, Director of the Office of the Private Economic Development Research Board under the Prime Minister's Administrative Procedure Reform Advisory Council; leaders of member units of FPT Corporation; educational organizations and experts in the fields of AI, semiconductors and cyber security.

Provincial leaders, FPT Corporation, delegates attending the conference

In his opening speech at the conference, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung said: The 20th Provincial Party Congress set the goal of developing Binh Dinh into a strong and sustainable economic center, based on the foundation of science, technology and innovation. This is not only a task but also the aspiration of the entire Party Committee, government and people of Binh Dinh.  The development of AI, semiconductor industry and cyber security are important steps to realize this goal, contributing to building the province into a high-tech center of the Central region in particular and the whole country in general. Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung said that AI is opening up breakthrough opportunities in all fields. Binh Dinh has begun research to apply AI in areas such as smart urban management, application of legal documents, in healthcare, high-tech agriculture, etc. These applications not only help improve service quality but also bring optimal solutions, save costs and improve management efficiency. However, for AI to truly become the main driving force for development, it is necessary to build a strong technology ecosystem, including investing in modern digital infrastructure, building and developing high-quality human resources, especially attracting the participation of leading technology enterprises.

Provincial Party Secretary Ho Quoc Dung delivered the opening speech at the conference

In addition, technology development must include cyber security. In the context of strong digital transformation taking place nationwide, protecting information systems and data has become a more urgent requirement than ever. Binh Dinh has implemented many measures to improve cyber security capacity, however, to cope with increasing challenges, it is necessary to cooperate more closely with international experts and organizations to update the most advanced solutions and technologies. This not only ensures information security but also helps Binh Dinh create a safe and reliable digital environment, promoting the development of the digital economy.

For the semiconductor industry, the world has identified this as one of the core industries of the 21st century;  Semiconductor products not only play an important role in modern electronic devices but are also the foundation of all technological advances. For Binh Dinh, developing the semiconductor industry is not only an opportunity to participate in the global supply chain but also helps to enhance the province's technological position; this requires a long-term strategic vision, serious investment in technology infrastructure and creating a favorable business environment to attract domestic and foreign investors.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung also shared: The conference is an opportunity for us to review the results achieved, discuss the challenges we are facing and most importantly, orient the future, identify what needs to be done for development.  I hope that through the discussions and exchanges, we will have specific solutions and strategies to promote AI to become one of the main pillars of the economy, the semiconductor industry will gradually be formed and network security and information security will be increasingly solid in Binh Dinh, helping the province not only catch up but also rise to become one of the leading localities in the 4.0 industrial revolution and a bright spot on the technology map of Vietnam.

Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Bui Hoang Phuong speaks at the conference

Speaking at the conference, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Bui Hoang Phuong said: Binh Dinh is a province with potential to develop digital technology thanks to its geographical location, infrastructure, human resources, especially the application of digital technology in the province's key industries such as tourism, agriculture, and processing.  To truly develop, the province needs to continue investing in digital infrastructure, especially developing high-quality digital human resources in key areas. The cooperation between Binh Dinh province and FPT Corporation today is in the right direction, in line with the Party and State's policies, focusing on developing high-quality human resources in the most important areas. This is an important strategic step, opening up many development opportunities for the province and FPT in the future.

Deputy Minister Bui Hoang Phuong emphasized: The Ministry of Information and Communications is committed to accompanying and supporting Binh Dinh province and technology enterprises in developing priority areas of semiconductors, AI and cyber security. At the same time, it is expected that with the determination and efforts of Binh Dinh and the support of FPT Group, the province's digital technology industry will have a strong transformation, soon becoming one of the country's digital technology centers, contributing to promoting the socio-economic development of the province and the whole country.

The Provincial People's Committee, FPT Group and the Private Economic Development Research Board signed a Cooperation Agreement to develop the province's semiconductor industry and cyber security for the period 2025 - 2030



Author: DHV

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