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Prof. Gerardus’t Hooft – a Nobel-laureate in physics came to Binh Dinh to attend an international scientific conference

On July 23, 2017, Prof. Gerardus’t Hooft – a Nobel-laureate in physics in 1999 came to Binh Dinh Province to attend the international scientific conference entitled ‘Exploring the Dark Universe”. The conference is in the framework of “the 13th Meeting Vietnam” in 2017. Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Tran Chau came to Phu Cat Airport to welcome and receive the professor.

A photo taken among Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Tran Chau, Prof.  Gerardus’t Hooft and his spouse. Photo: VAN LUU

Gerardus’t Hooft (born in 1946) is a Dutch theoretical physicist and a senior lecturer of theoretical physics at the University of Utrecht, Holland. He shared the 1999 Nobel Prize in Physics with his thesis advisor Martinus J. G. Veltman "for elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak interactions".

Prof. Tran Thanh Van – Chairman of Rencontres du Vietnam welcomed and gave some flowers to Prof. Gerardus’t Hooft. Photo: VAN LUU

Besides, in his scientific research, Prof. Gerardus’t Hooft also greatly contributed in fields: the standard theory in fundamental particle physics, the theory in quantum gravity and black holes in the universe, the research on fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics.

Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Tran Chau talked in a friendly way to scientists on the occasion of their participation in “the 13th Meeting Vietnam” in Quy Nhon. Photo: VAN LUU

It was the eleventh Nobel-laureate who came to Binh Dinh to participate in the important conferences, workshops in the framework of “Meeting Vietnam”. In Quy Nhon City, Prof. Gerardus’t Hooft and  more than 70 professors, scientists from 19 countries in the world are scheduled to attend the international scientific conference entitled “Exploring the Dark Universe”, held from July 23-29, 2017 at the International Center for Interdisciplinary Science and Education (ICISE); having a scientific talk with pupils, students and those interested in science at 15.00 on July 25, 2017 at the Provincial Cultural Center  (02 Phan Dinh Phung Street, Quy Nhon City) and visiting beauty spots in the province.

Scientists talked to one another when Prof. Gerardus’t Hooft - a Nobel-laureate in physics in 1999 came to Binh Dinh to attend the international scientific conference in the framework of “the 13th Meeting Vietnam” in 2017. Photo: VAN LUU

Thang Nguyen (source: baobinhdinh.com.vn)

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