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A Nobel-laureate in physics had a scientific talk

On the afternoon of July 25, 2017 at the Provincial Cultural Center, Prof. Gerardus’t Hooft – a Nobel-laureate in physics in 1999 had a scientific talk with pupils, students and those interested in science, with the title of “the basic laws of nature”.

Prof. Gerardus’t Hooft – a Nobel-laureate in physics in 1999 answered questions raised by pupils, students and those interested in science. Photo: Van Luu

The talk provided those people interested in physics basic knowledge on “classical” laws of natural science, related to our daily lives and they were easily understandable.

In addition, other questions related to parallel universe theory, black hole theory, quantum, obstacles during the research and scientific exploration, advice for scientific research and so on were thoroughly answered by the Professor at the talk.

Prof. Gerardus’t Hooft, his spouse; Prof. Tran Thanh Van, Prof. Le Kim Ngoc were given flowers by the Organizing Committee. Photo: Van Luu

The scientific talk was organized by Binh Dinh Union of Science and Technology Associations in collaboration with Vietnam Youth Union in Binh Dinh Province, Rencontres du Vietnam, Vietnam Student Association in Binh Dinh Province and the International Center for Interdisciplinary Science and Education (ICISE). This is an activity in the framework of “the 13th Meeting Vietnam” in 2017 in Binh Dinh Province.

Nguyen Duc Thang (source: baobinhdinh.com.vn)

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