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Ceremony to receive the Certificate of National Intangible Cultural Heritage "Phu Gia Horse Hat Making Craft"

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of September 12, in Cat Tuong commune, Phu Cat district, Phu Cat district People's Committee, Binh Dinh province coordinated with the Department of Culture and Sports to solemnly organize the Ceremony to receive the Certificate of National Intangible Cultural Heritage "Phu Gia Horse Hat Making Craft".

Delegates attending the Ceremony to receive the Certificate of National Intangible Cultural Heritage "Phu Gia Horse Hat Making Craft".

Attending the ceremony were comrades: Le Kim Toan - Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation; Lam Hai Giang - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; representatives of leaders of departments, branches, and localities.

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang speaking at the ceremony.

 Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Lam Hai Giang - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee said that "Phu Gia horse hat making craft" was recognized as a national intangible cultural heritage by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in Decision No. 956/QD-BVHTTDL dated April 9, 2024. This is the 5th national intangible cultural heritage of Binh Dinh province to be recognized, after Traditional Martial Arts, Hat Boi, Bai Choi Art, Ba Pagoda Festival - Nuoc Man Port (Phuoc Quang Commune, Tuy Phuoc District). The recognition of Phu Gia horse hat making craft as a national intangible cultural heritage has affirmed the sustainable value and strong vitality of the craft village, honoring and praising the community, especially the artisans in preserving, conserving and promoting the value of the heritage. This is both an honor, pride and a great responsibility of the Party Committee, government and people of Phu Cat district in particular and Binh Dinh province in general.  To make the Phu Gia horse hat weaving craft in Cat Tuong commune, Phu Cat district last forever, spreading more and more in the flow of national culture. On the occasion of today's ceremony, Vice Chairman of Lam Hai Giang Provincial People's Committee suggested that Phu Cat district proactively coordinate with relevant sectors to plan a master plan and details for the craft village, paying attention to traditional institutions and spaces for using horse hats to continue to preserve and develop, linking the preservation of cultural identity of traditional craft villages with economic development and tourism development. In addition, build and implement solutions, mechanisms and policies to support artisans to preserve and pass on their craft, support production and consumption of products. Organize activities to honor individuals and communities with many contributions to preserving, practicing, protecting and promoting heritage values. Continue to propagate and raise awareness of the people, the responsibility of all levels, sectors, and heritage subjects;  Encourage organizations and individuals to contribute and sponsor the protection and promotion of heritage values. Along with that, promote connections with travel companies and tourism service businesses to build tours and routes to serve the needs of domestic and international tourists, aiming to build Phu Gia horse hat craft village tourism as a typical tourism product of the province.

Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation Le Kim Toan and Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang presented the Certificate of National Intangible Cultural Heritage "Phu Gia Horse Hat Making Craft" to the leaders of the People's Committee of Phu Cat District.

Phu Gia horse hats have long been one of the famous traditional handicraft products, maintained, practiced and passed down from generation to generation by the people of Cat Tuong Commune, Phu Cat District. In the past, this type of hat was only reserved for dignitaries and people of the upper class and nobility. The "dragon, unicorn, turtle, phoenix" patterns embroidered on the hat symbolized the authority of the wearer in the feudal era. Looking at the patterns, one can know the rank of the official using it.

Phu Gia horse hats have a special structure so they are very durable. Each horse hat, if completed in all stages, will have a durability of 150 to 200 years.  There are still many 200-year-old horse hats preserved in Phu Gia village.

Currently, Phu Gia horse hats are present everywhere, from North to South and even abroad. Phu Gia horse hat craft village has been recognized by the Provincial People's Committee as a traditional craft village, achieved the title of Typical Craft Village of Vietnam and become a famous tourist destination of Binh Dinh. Each market session (5 days a session) has nearly 1,000 Phu Gia horse hats exported to provinces and cities across the country. This is the motivation for people in Phu Gia horse hat village to be determined to preserve the profession, preserve the culture and quintessence of their ancestors.

Phu Gia horse hats are loved by many people and tourists.

Author: DHV

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