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Phu Cat must create breakthroughs and accelerate socio-economic development in the coming period

(binhdinh.gov.vn) - On the morning of September 10, comrade Ho Quoc Dung, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, worked with the Standing Committee of Phu Cat District Party Committee on the implementation of the Resolution of the 22nd Congress of the District Party Committee since the beginning of the term and the implementation of Directive No. 35, dated June 14, 2024 of the Politburo in the district. Attending the meeting were Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan, comrades in the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, leaders of the Provincial People's Council, Party Building Committees, departments, branches and sectors of the province.

Working session scene

The report of the Standing Committee of Phu Cat District Party Committee said that since the beginning of the term, the Party Committee, the government and the people in the district have promoted the spirit of solidarity and unanimity, made the most of resources, focused on synchronously implementing many solutions, and organized the implementation of the Resolution of the 22nd Congress of the District Party Committee, achieving many important results. Most of the goals and targets were achieved quite well compared to the Resolution. The district's economy continued to grow and develop. The average growth rate for 4 years (2020-2024) is estimated at 15.43%, exceeding the Resolution's target by 0.84%. The economic structure has shifted in the right direction. The growth rates of the Industry-Construction, Trade-Service-Tourism sectors are all higher than the Resolution.  Notably, the work of basic construction investment and infrastructure development has been directed and implemented, along with the transport infrastructure and urban space expansion invested by the province, opening up new opportunities and development space for the locality, contributing to improving people's lives. The average income in 2024 is estimated at 61.4 million VND/person/year, reaching 94.5% of the Resolution (the Resolution set out 65 million VND), an increase of 14.6 million VND compared to the beginning of the term. The fields of health, education, culture - information, physical education - sports have made much progress. National defense and security have been maintained, social order and safety have been ensured. The leadership capacity and fighting strength of grassroots party organizations, the quality of cadres and party members basically meet the requirements of assigned tasks. Administrative reform, judicial reform; digital transformation have achieved many important results.  The work of Party building and political system building has become increasingly effective, the leadership role of Party committees at all levels has been strengthened, and social democracy has been promoted. The effectiveness and efficiency of government management have improved, the activities of the Front and mass organizations have been enhanced, and the great solidarity of the people has been strengthened.

Comrade Do Van Ngo, Secretary of the District Party Committee, made recommendations at the working session

The report of the Phu Cat District Party Committee also acknowledged that although the economy has developed, its scale is still small, not commensurate with the potential and advantages of the locality. The economic structure of the district has shifted in the right direction but slowly compared to the requirements; the situation of fishing boats encroaching on foreign waters is still happening. Land, mineral and environmental management is not strict in some places; social order and safety are still complicated in some areas. The leadership capacity and fighting strength of some grassroots party organizations are still limited.  The qualifications, capacity and sense of responsibility of a number of cadres, civil servants and public employees are not high.

Comrade Nguyen Van Hung, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee and Chairman of the District People's Committee, spoke

At the meeting, the leaders of Phu Cat district also proposed that the province pay attention to supporting investment in a number of traffic, irrigation and cultural works in the area.

Participating in the working session, delegates focused on analyzing the shortcomings and limitations in the implementation of the Resolution of the 22nd District Party Congress. At the same time, they suggested and contributed ideas for Phu Cat district to make breakthroughs, accelerate development, and contribute to the overall development of the province in the following years.

Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan spoke at the working session

Speaking at the working session, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan said that through the review, Phu Cat district is completely capable of completing the tasks, goals, and targets set by the Resolution of the 22nd District Party Congress. In directing and operating socio-economic development, the district has the active and unanimous coordination of the entire political system.  The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also pointed out some shortcomings in implementing tasks and development targets in the fields of agriculture, industry, site clearance, environmental protection management in the locality and emphasized the requirement for all levels of Phu Cat district authorities to join hands to solve the problems raised by people and businesses. Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Anh Tuan said that Phu Cat district has many potentials, advantages, and opportunities for breakthroughs and development in the agricultural sector associated with processing, industrial development, tourism, logistics and urban areas with space for development from the south of De Gi port to Cat Tien town, which is attracting the attention of many large domestic and foreign investors. Therefore, the first thing is that Phu Cat district must do a good job of planning, maintaining the planned area, not allowing encroachment; organizing land management well in areas with convenient transportation systems, ensuring that when there are projects registered for investment, they will be implemented quickly.  The second task is for the district to continue investing in infrastructure. In this work, the province and the district will jointly review and evaluate areas with potential and strengths to attract investment, and the province will pay attention to and support the district in investing in infrastructure systematically. Regarding human resources, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee noted that Phu Cat district leaders should boldly propose and calculate plans to build a human resource apparatus with sufficient capacity and determination to be able to undertake the implementation of breakthrough "super projects" deployed in the area in the coming time.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung gave a speech at the meeting

Concluding the meeting, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung acknowledged and highly appreciated the results achieved after nearly 4 years of implementing the Resolution of the 22nd Phu Cat District Party Congress, including many bright spots such as the scale of the district's economy rising to rank 4th among 11 districts, towns and cities;  Many disadvantaged rural areas of the district have risen up and developed, economic infrastructure has been invested in and expanded, opening up many spaces and development opportunities for the future.

According to the Provincial Party Secretary, Phu Cat has a lot of potential, advantages, and development opportunities in the coming years and is also a locality with full conditions to implement the 5 growth pillars of the province including: Industry, tourism, port services and logistics, high-tech agriculture - forestry - fishery development, urban economic development associated with the urbanization process. To create a breakthrough and accelerate development in the coming time, the Party Committee and the district government must clearly identify the location, advantages, potentials, and resources of the district to develop a specific action program, tasks, and implementation roadmap.

Provincial Party Secretary Ho Quoc Dung requested the Phu Cat District Party Committee Standing Committee to focus on overcoming shortcomings and limitations in the fields of mineral resource management, combating land encroachment, solving social security issues, poverty reduction, especially the requirement to strengthen training, improve the capacity and qualifications of civil servants, public employees, and workers to meet practical requirements.

 Regarding the tasks from now until the end of the 2020-2025 term, Comrade Ho Quoc Dung requested Phu Cat District Party Committee to review all targets and tasks set out in the Resolution of the 22nd Congress of the District Party Committee, have specific solutions, and achieve and exceed the targets and targets that have not been achieved or achieved low. The Standing Committee of Phu Cat District Party Committee must closely follow the planning and implementation plan of the province that has been approved and issued to review the planning and concretize it in their locality, thereby maximizing the potential and advantages, helping Phu Cat accelerate and develop accordingly. At the same time, the district continues to improve the investment environment, enhance the capacity to solve investors' problems... Regarding Party building work, the Provincial Party Secretary requested the District Party Committee to promptly develop a schedule and specific plan to prepare for Party Congresses at all levels in the locality, establish sub-committees to serve the congress and focus on related contents.  Comrade Ho Quoc Dung requested Phu Cat District Party Committee to consider the implementation of Directive 35 dated June 14, 2024 of the Politburo and Plan No. 105 dated July 8, 2024 of the Provincial Party Standing Committee "implementing Directive No. 35 of the Politburo on Party Congresses at all levels towards the 14th National Congress of the Party" as an urgent and extremely important task and must be strictly ensured from the beginning./.

Author: DHV

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