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Champasak Department of Foreign Affairs paid a visit to Binh Dinh

On August 21, 2017, a delegation of Champasak Department of Foreign Affairs, the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos paid a visit to Binh Dinh Department of Foreign Affairs.

View of the Meeting.

At the meeting, leaders of the two departments informed their foreign affair activities in the past years, at the same time discussed issues related to their functions and tasks. Mr. Khankham Kenbouta, Director of Champasak Department of Foreign Affairs shared difficulties that Champasak department was facing in terms of the management of the cooperation among provincial departments, agencies and foreign localities.

Mr. Nguyen Tan, Director of Binh Dinh Department of Foreign Affairs came to know the difficulties of Champasak Department of Foreign Affairs and said Champasak Province has a large cooperation with many countries, and Champasak has official cooperation with 15 provinces, 3 cities and 1 unit in Vietnam. Mr. Nguyen Tan also said Binh Dinh departments and agencies when implementing the cooperation with partners must submit their planning and then report the results to Binh Dinh People’s Committee as well as send to Binh Dinh Department of Foreign Affairs for co-ordination and assistance.

In recent years, Binh Dinh Department of Foreign Affairs has enhanced the exchanges with the foreign affair departments in Vietnam and abroad and paid attention to advantages of each agency with the aim of enhancing the quality of foreign affair activities in the coming time.

Nguyen Duc Thang (Source: baobinhdinh.com.vn)

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