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Five Nobel laureates came to Binh Dinh

(binhdinh.gov.vn)-On the morning July 6, 2016, Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Tran Chau and leading representatives of departments, agencies, units came to Phu Cat Airport (Phu Cat District) to welcome five Nobel laureates to Binh Dinh Province to participate in the International Workshop “Fundamental Science and Society” – the most important event in the framework of “the 12th Rencontres du Vietnam”, held at the International Center for Interdisciplinary Science and Education (ICISE) on the 7th and 8th of July, 2016.

Prof. Kurt Wüthrich - Nobel laureate in chemistry in 2002 and Prof. Jerome Isaac Friedman - Nobel laureate in physics in 1990 (Photo: Doan Cong).

The professors to Binh Dinh this time include: Prof. Kurt Wüthrich (Nobel laureate in chemistry in 2002) is a Swiss chemist, physicist and mathematician. He won the 2002 Nobel Prize in Chemistry along with Tanaka Kōichi and John B. Fenn for "his development of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for determining the three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules in solution"

Prof. Jerome Isaac Friedman (Nobel laureate in physics in 1990) is an American physicist. He won the 1990 Nobel Prize in Physics along with Henry W. Kendall and Richard E. Taylor for their work showing an internal structure for protons, which have been of essential importance for the development of the Quark model in particle physics.

Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Tran Chau welcomed Prof. David Gross – Nobel laureate in physics in 2004 (Photo: Van Luu).

Prof. David Jonathan Gross (Nobel laureate in physics in 2004) is an American theoretical physicist and string theorist. Along with Frank Wilczek and David Politzer, he was awarded the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics for their discovery of asymptotic freedom. 

Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee gave flowers to Prof. Jean Jouzel - Nobel laureate for peace in 2007 (Photo: Van Luu).

Prof. Jean Jouzel is a Nobel laureate for peace in 2007. He received his PhD at the French Center for Nuclear Research and joined the Group of International Experts on Climate Change (GIEC) in 1994. He received the Nobel Prize for peace in 2007 along with IPPC group. He received the 2012 Vetlesen Prize, considered to be the earth sciences’ equivalent of a Nobel.

Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Tran Chau gave flowers to Prof. Finn Kydland - Nobel laureate in Economics in 2004 (Photo: Van Luu).

​Prof. Finn Erling Kydland (Nobel laureate in Economics in 2014) is a Norwegian economist. Kydland was a co-recipient of the 2004 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, with Edward C. Prescott, "for their contributions to dynamic macroeconomics: the time consistency of economic policy and the driving forces behind business cycles".

In the framework of the conference, on the afternoon of July 6, 2016 at the Provincial Cultural Center (02 Phan Dinh Phung Street, Quy Nhon City), Prof. Kurt Wüthrich has a talk with pupils, students, and those interested in science in Binh Dinh Province, entitled “My Life in Science – from the Physics of Nuclear Magnetic Resonane (NMR) to Proteins and Medical Diagnosis”.

On the morning of July 7, 2016 the International Workshop “Fundamental Science and Society” is organized at ICISE. This is the biggest event in the framework of “the 12 Rencontres du Vietnam” with the participation of about 300 delegates. This event is organized to celebrate the 50-year anniversary of Rencontres de Moriond, founded by Prof. Tran Thanh Van in 1966. The workshop attracts well-known professors, scientists and researchers, including Nobel laureates in Physics, Chemistry, Economics and for Peace, leaders of well-known institutes, universities and big economic corporations.

Đ.T (Source: T.T.T)

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