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General Department of Logistics paid a visit to Binh Dinh border Guard

On April 13, 2017, the delegation of General Department of Logistics and Logistics Department of High Command of Border Guard led by lieutenant-general Duong Van Ra – Director of Logistics Department of Vietnam People’s Army had a meeting with headquarters of Binh Dinh border guard.

Colonel Luong Ngoc Chinh – Commander of Binh Dinh Border Guard gave a report on the logistics

At the meeting, Colonel Luong Ngoc Chinh - Commander of Binh Dinh Border Guard gave a brief on the logistics in the past years. Accordingly, his agency regularly renovates the equipment, technical facilities, actively increasing the food production to ensure the requirements of the food and food quality, quantitative regimes, which ensures the staff’s good health over 98%. Besides, the agency often organizes meetings, health examination, sanitary cleaning, the prevention of diseases not only at the agency but also at localities in charge, contributing to preventing and driving back dangerous disease outbreaks.

Speaking at the meeting, lieutenant-general Duong Van Ra - Director of Logistics Department highly valued the attained results of Binh Dinh Border Guard in the past years. He also requested in the coming time the staff and soldiers of Binh Dinh boarder guard need to unite, overcome difficulties and effectively complete the planned logistic tasks.

Thang Nguyen (source: baobinhdinh.com.vn)

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