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Handover ceremony of medical equipment – Regional, Provincial Hospital Development Project, phase 2 (the component: Binh Dinh General Hospital)

(binhdinh.gov.vn)-On the afternoon of April 27, 2017 the Project Management Board of Binh Dinh General Hospital organized the handover ceremony of medical equipment of the regional, provincial hospital development project – phase 2 (the component: Binh Dinh General Hospital), funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh attended the ceremony.

Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh (right) visited the project’s medical equipment at Binh Dinh General Hospital

At the meeting, Mr. Ho Viet My – Director of Binh Dinh General Hospital said, the project “Providing medical equipment for Binh Dinh General Hospital” had been implemented since 2012, with the total investment capital of more than VND 513 billion, of which ODA is more than VND 448 billion and the provincial counterpart is more than VND 65.7 billion.

The package of providing, installing medical equipment as well as the service for Binh Dinh General Hospital was carried out by Mitsubishi Corporation. Accordingly, Binh Dinh General Hospital would be provided medical equipment for operating rooms, testing departments, examining departments, operation and recovery departments, infected control departments, multifunctional electronic surgery tables, anesthetic machines, etc. Up to April 27, 2017, Binh Dinh General Hospital has received 161/171 items (attained 94%); 609/626 medical equipment from the bidder. It is expected in May 2017 Binh Dinh General Hospital would continue to receive other medical equipment: DSA, MRI 3T and eight remaining items. Until the end of May, 2017, all the medical equipment would be handed over and put into operation.

At the meeting, Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh highly valued the achieved results of Binh Dinh General Hospital for the examination and treatment, especially the effective usage of the project’s medical equipment. The Vice Chairman also requested Binh Dinh General Hospital to carry out the planning and measures to effectively use the new received medical equipment and establish the regulations for the usage of medical equipment; regularly maintain to ensure those machines operate well. In the coming time, Binh Dinh General Hospital would continue to cooperate well with the bidder to transfer and use the project’s medical equipment effectively and timely. 

Nguyễn Thị Thanh

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