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Outgrow Energy Consult Co., Ltd seeks investment opportunities in Binh Dinh

On the afternoon of July 6, 2016, Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Phan Cao Thang had a meeting with leaders of Outgrow Energy Consult Co., Ltd (Thailand) regarding the development of a power plant in Binh Dinh Province.

View of the Meeting.

At the meeting, Ms. Tipanan Sirichana – CEO of Outgrow Energy Consult Co., Ltd said the business range of the Company is power plants including wind power, solar power, geothermal power, biomass power and solid thermo-electricity. The company has invested three power plants in Thailand and hopes to develop power plants in Vietnam.

Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Phan Cao Thang welcomed the delegation of Outgrow Energy Consult Co., Ltd to seek investment opportunities in Binh Dinh Province. He also said the leaders of Binh Dinh Province have a lot of concern for renewable energy and is calling for investors in this sector. Presently, Binh Dinh has three investors who have registered wind power plants and seven investors for solar power plants. Vice Chairman Phan Cao Thang requested the Company to take a prompt survey, considering for the development of a power plant in the province. He also committed to creating the most favorable conditions for the investor to soon implement the project.

After the meeting, the delegation of Outgrow Energy Consult Co., Ltd had a site visit to Nhon Hoi Economic Zone in order to seek for appropriate location for the project.

Đ.T (Source: ubndbinhdinh.vn)

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