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The delegation of Ministry of Health paid a visit to the leader of Binh Dinh People’s Committee regarding health insurance activities

(binhdinh.gov.vn)-On the morning of May 5, 2017 the delegation of Ministry of Health, led by Deputy Minister Pham Le Tuan – Deputy Minister had a meeting with the leader of Binh Dinh People’s Committee regarding the implementation of policies of heath insurance in the province. Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh and leaders of related departments, agencies attended the meeting.

View of the meeting.

According to the report, the implementation of policies of health insurance in the province is relatively stable and followed the regulations of the State, without any large violations. The people with health insurance have attained positive results. In 2016, the people with health insurance reached 85%; in the first Quarter of 2017 with 80.7%

With regards to the examination with health insurance, Binh Dinh Department of Health in collaboration with Binh Dinh Social Insurance Agency provided guideline, timely implementing the regulations of health insurance activities. In 2016, medical agencies received and examined more than 2.6 million people, both inpatient and outpatient, with a total cost of more than VND 940 billion, increased 55.4% compared with 2015. Presently, there are 155/159 (97.5%) medical clinics of communes, wards and towns to register the examination with health insurance. 100% medical clinics signed contracts for the examination and health insurance, which would pay based on service cost.

Beside the attained results, there also have some limitations: the rate of people with health insurance is not sustainable though it reaches the target. The nearly poor people, students at colleges, universities, laborers working in different economic sectors, the people with household health insurance, etc. have not participate in health insurance as required by the regulations (100%); the situation of overspending health insurance fund and the examination with health insurance is so complicated; the value of overspending is increased; the abuse of the health insurance fund is still happening, etc.

Speaking at the meeting, Vice Chairman of Binh Dinh People’s Committee Nguyen Tuan Thanh requested Ministry of Health to take a consideration and establish a State managing and counseling team at localities and an independent inspection agency for health insurance examination with the aim of enhancing the effectiveness of health insurance examination; considering the adjustment of health insurance nominal value; increasing the professional skills of staff working in health insurance sector, etc.

Deputy Minister of Health Pham Le Tuan highly valued the efforts of departments, agencies and units of the province during the implementation of regulations of health insurance and enhancing the quality of the examination and treatment. He also requested Binh Dinh would increase the checking and monitoring of health insurance examination and treatment. Department of Health, Binh Dinh Social Insurance Agency and related agencies, units would cooperate more closely to timely deal with difficulties and obstacles related to health insurance examination and treatment. It is necessary to connect data and transfer information between medical clinics and Binh Dinh Social Insurance Agency; propagandizing and mobilizing and applying suitable measures to encourage households to participate in health insurance. Medical clinics should apply information technology to increase the quality of the examination and treatment, meeting the high requirements of the people. With regards to the provincial proposals, Deputy Minister Pham Le Tuan requested and directed agencies of Ministry of Health to research and deal with in accordance with the actual situation.

Nguyen Duc Thang (Source: Nguyễn Thị Thanh)

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